




Issue with Contract Termination for GigaTV



My issue is regarding the GigaTV contract termination which I have from Vodafone Kabel which started 10.09.2020.

I already have a Red Internet & Phone 200 Cable contarct since April 2019. To explain my issue, here is a summary of my problem :

  • In September we were contacted by people from Vodafoneat our home address  to talk about the GigaTV subscription, we were told that we can upgrade to GigaTV plan at no additional cost and we would then get better service at teh same cost.
  • We found the plan interesting and we gave a verbal ok to it, we never signed a contract. We were told by the vodafone representative that upon receiving the contract we hae to SMS on a given number to start the contract.
  • Upon receiving the box by mail we decided not to continue the plan and I returned the box with the filled out return form.
  • 2 weeks ago I noticed that I had been charged twice, once approx 58 EUR and once 21 EUR.
  • I tried calling the helpline, but as I don't speak German I wasn't able to talk to someone about it.
  • Finally, I was conected to someone who spoke english after several tries and I was told that my contract is running and I need to cancel it by mail.
  • Then, I contacted teh kundenservice by email and einshreiben and asked for termination of this contract and refund for my 2 months of charges.

I have been told in an email to cantact in this forum for help in english, I haven't signed any contract and I find this behaviour very strange on behalf of the people who came to my house, they lied to us about the process and charges.


Can someone help me with this and resolve my issue ?

I want to cancel my contarct and want a refund.



Mohit Singh 


17 Antworten 17

You do not need to explicitly sign a contract - contracts by verbally agreeing are also valid contracts that you are bound to.


In case you got the withdrawal information and withdrawal form for the GigaTV contract, then you had 14 days to withdraw from it. After that period has passed, the contract has to be fullfilled at least for the minimum contractual term (usually 2 years) and you have to pay for it.

Same applies if you did not comply with the instructions on the withdrawal form - as sometimes you have to send the form to the company while the devices have to be sent to a warehouse (not necessarily the same address).

I understand your point, but if a Vodafone representative want to offer me a product, they shouldn't be lying about the offer/price/process of activation. My issue is related to this. Else, I would have taken a better informed decision.


PS: Just to add, I didn't receive any contract cancellation form in mail/email or in person. Else, I would surely have translated and returned it. 

These forms are usually included with the device delivery.

@reneromann Ok. That's strange. I didn't get them in the Box.


Hi mohit_singh,


welcome to the community.


I can't promise you anything, but I'd be happy to take a look at the situation.


Please send me a private message with the following information:


your name

your address

date of birth

your customer number

the link of this thread


Please reply here when you have sent the private message.




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@Stephan  I haven't heard anything from Vodafone Team Can someone please revert back on this subject ?

It's been almost a month now.


Hi mohit_singh,


unfortunately you didn't responded here again after you private message. That's why you didn't heard from me.


Now to your request: unfortunately there's nothing I could do for you. With the TV-Box you got an order confirmation with all conditions and prices.


Since we haven't received a written withdrawal from you within 14 days after sending the TV-Box, we can't cancel this contract and give a refund.


Based on your December notice, we can only terminate the contract at the end of the regular term. You'll receive a confirmation for that cancellation.






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@Stephan  : I didn't get you quite well. When is the cancellation possible ? What is the regular term ?

I would also like to point out here that, I was tricked into this contract by a Vodafone representative and I didn't sign in any contract. 


I would definately like to know what is my next point of appeal ? I would like to terminate all my service from Vodafone now. This is quite frustrating.