am 26.03.2020 15:25
I would like to change my internet tariff to 50MBps. Can someone here to help me, what channel i should use?
am 27.03.2020 08:21
Hello preetfzr,
I still have your customer data. I have noted the change to Red Internet & Phone 50. On 10th of april 2020 the change will be processed and you will receive a separate confirmation.
Best regards
am 27.03.2020 09:47
Hi Tina,
Many thanks. Can you please also confirm how much it will cost to me monthly ?
am 27.03.2020 09:56
or how much 100 MBps cost?
am 30.03.2020 11:40
Hi preetfzr,
the tariff with 50MBit/s will cost 29,99 Euro and 34,99 Euro with 100 MBit/s.
am 25.04.2020 20:19
Hi Stephan,
Can you help me t understand why i was charged 35 EUR for last invoice, when my previous tarrif which was for 20 EUR suppose to be end at April 10 ?
am 27.04.2020 14:22
Hi preetfzr,
have you already checked the invoice for this month?
am 28.04.2020 14:27
Hi Stephan,
yes i just checked, the invoice wgich is issued on 7th of april. i have been charged for 33,99 EUR.
am 29.04.2020 15:50
Hello preetfzr,
the invoice was created before the contract conversion and therefore still includes the old tariff. Only with the May invoice will this be offset.