am 07.04.2020 13:06 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 07.04.2020 13:17 von Gelöschter User
I had receiver a set of instruments for the new TV Prudukt against your revised contarct and customer Number xxxxxxxxxxxx by post on 5th March 2020. but again on 3rd April 2020 i received another set of instruments against a different contract number and customer number . I request you to check at your end , why i have received two sets of instruments with different contract number and customer number for the same person/address.
Please advice me if i have to send the instrument and how to proceed further.
Edit: @GIGATVPRODU Please do not post personal information publicly.
am 08.04.2020 20:05
if you only wanted one contract, there was probably an accidental double order here. I'll see if i can cancel one. For a closer look send me the following informations in a private message:
full name
date of birth
customer number
Write a short reply here afterwards.
Best regards