




[English] New contract but no help with installation

I purchased a new contract couple of weeks ago and got the router promptly delivered. Since I was not able to connect it myself, I tried to get in touch with customer care multiple times but no luck there. 


After this I decided to go the physical store and they told me that someone is supposed to come for new installations in my area. Now I have been trying to call customer care since last one week to get a technician to come to my house for setup but it appears to me that their line is always busy.


I have tried email, phone, online forms and physical stores to ask for help. Is there is anything else I can do to finally get my internet working? Or can I just cancel the contract since it was never even connected?


Tbh I would rather just cancel because I really don't want to deal with Vodafone again in my life.

13 Antworten 13

Hi @Tobias@Moni_GK@Wallace

I received couple of calls in the past 2 weeks, but none of representative spoke English. I tried to call the same number multiple times with my friends who speak German but I wasn't able to talk to a human being. So this issue hasn't moved forward for more than 6 weeks now.

To summarise, here is what I have tried so far:

- Visited 2 physical stores
- Emailed multiple times
- Called plenty of times
- Opened this issue on forum
- Tried Vodafone's WhatsApp channel

I am really running out of ideas to get my internet working. Why on earth is it not possible to communicate via email to move things forward? You are an INTERNET provider for god sake and the only mediums you wish to communicate with customers are via phone and physical post? Am I the only one who sees irony here? Are we living in 1970s?

Please please please install my connection OR at least let me cancel my contract. You guys don't want to do any of those.
How am I supposed to handle this endless cycle of jumping from one medium to another to get some help to fix this mess? How can anyone deal with you guys? I think only way to deal with frustrations that come with dealing with Vodafone customer care is to kill oneself. That's the ONLY way one can have peace because you guys don't care at all. If it works, good for you. If it doesn't, welcome to hell called Vodafone customer care.

Nothing much to add but just wanted to update that today is Day 40 and I still don't have internet.


For the record I got the call last Friday but they disconnected in 3 seconds, just like they did last Thursday.


Next update tomorrow. Have a good day!




in the order was deposited that was tried to reach you several times, they can not reach you. The colleagues take now times this away, that I can not change unfortunately 😞 I do not know why they hang up then if you already go ran ... i give a feedback in the order.





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Hey @Tobias,


It's alright as it's just day 41. I will call it a success if you guys can make it work in less than a decade. So you got plenty of time 🙂


About the calling pattern: it happened 2 more times. One time I missed the call but the 2 times that I picked, they just disconnected. FYI I am am able to talk to everyone else using my phone. I guess you guys are doing this because you get to say that we tried but it didn't work out. I get it. It's a nice excuse and works much better at hiding your incompetence. Good job!


Anyway, that's all I have for today. It's a sunny day and I hope your colleagues and you are having fun by making your users suffer.


Stay tuned for next update tomorrow!Cheers!