am 31.05.2018 18:40
Before leaving Germany, I printed and mailed all of the required documents to Vodafone in order to cancel my service. I wrote the cover letter request in English, 22 days ago, and today I received a letter from Vodafone, written in English, saying that they did not understand the request, so now the service still has not been cancelled!
This is really an absurd and nasty situation! What's worse is this correspondence took 22 days to happen!
Please allow me to cancel my cable internet service!
am 01.06.2018 00:12
The problem is: Contractual language is German, not English.
A letter written in English is not having any relevance for your internet contract as it is written in the wrong language.
And of course, it may take some time until a letter is processed. Keep in mind that the "usual" postal service may take some days in order to deliver your letter - same the other way 'round. And there were some bank holidays...
am 01.06.2018 08:30
The envelope I sent contained a German "Abmeldung eines Wohnsitzes" - you'd think that would be easy enough to understand.
Is there a customer service person here who can help me officially cancel my cable service electronically? I'm not too confident in the 22+ day postage service speed.
am 01.06.2018 15:46
Hello Marcus,
did you include a deregistration from Germany?
I'd like to check it out. Send me a private message with your name, your old and new address, your customer number and the link to your thread. Then contact us again here.
04.06.2018 13:58 - bearbeitet 04.06.2018 13:59
Hello Grit, yes, I mailed the deregistration document from Germany. I've sent you the information via personal message.
am 04.06.2018 15:35
Hello Marcus,
i can't see an entry for the logout from Germany in your customer data. Please send me the document by private message, I will finish the cancellation. Please note that this will be in accordance with the Telecommunications Act (relocation + 3 months).
am 04.06.2018 18:41
Abmeldung copy sent via personal message.
am 05.06.2018 09:44
Hello Marcus,
i have terminated my employment under the Telecommunications Act as of August 31, 2018. To calculate the date, I have taken your first cancellation from 08.05.2018. The confirmation will be sent by post to your new address.