- zuletzt bearbeitet am
i took vodafone DSL contract for 2 years. 10 days before i moved to new apartment. So in my new apartment, internet was already providing by landlord of other network. So now i have to cancel my vodafone contract. Please reply asap.
I wrote a letter to vodafone cabletv germany. But they told me contact here. So 12 days over. I did not get proper response
thanks in advance
with kind regards.
Edit: @SAMY2211 thread moved to right board
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 16.06.2018 18:46
Hi SAMY2211,
Thanks for the PN. According to TKG, I have processed the termination with a period of notice of 3 months from receipt of notice. The written confirmation will be sent to your new address within the next few days.
Best regards
am 14.06.2018 12:57
Hello SAMY2211,
I'll take a look at this. Please send me your customer number, name and address (old and new) by private message. Report briefly here in the post as soon as you have sent the PN.
Best regards
am 15.06.2018 19:49
Have you received my details Kindly process asap
am 16.06.2018 18:46
Hi SAMY2211,
Thanks for the PN. According to TKG, I have processed the termination with a period of notice of 3 months from receipt of notice. The written confirmation will be sent to your new address within the next few days.
Best regards
am 17.06.2018 09:07
i received mail from vodafone. what i understood from the mail is that, now i have to send the devices via post to Vodafone Kabel
c/o DHL Paket
Am Tower 222
90475 Nürnberg.
after 3 months the contract terminates and you won't charge from my account. is it right?
am 18.06.2018 15:20
i received an email from vodafone. i have to sent my device and cables to via the post to Vodafone Kabel
c / o DHL Paket
Turm 222 90475 Nuremberg, Germany.
after 3 months the contract dates and you will not charge from my account. is it right?
am 18.06.2018 17:20
Hi SAMY2211,
yes that is correct. The contract ends up in three months and you have to send back the router to the known address.