21.05.2019 22:25 - bearbeitet 21.05.2019 22:29
Dear people,
I am struggling to cancel my Vodafone cable contract for around half a year now. I live with my girlfriend who has a Vodafone cable contract as well and one of us wants to get rid of their connection. Every time we go to the service shop here in Saarbrucken, they say something vague and just basically shoo us away. How the hell am I supposed to go about this? Am I being harassed because I don't speak German and come from India? Should I approach the police? Any help would be appreciated.
Liebe Leute,
Ich habe seit etwa einem halben Jahr Probleme, meinen Vodafone-Kabelvertrag zu kündigen. Ich lebe mit meiner Freundin, das auch einen Vodafone-Kabel Vertrag hat und einer von uns will ihre Verbindung loszuwerden. Jedes Mal, wenn wir hier in Saarbrücken in die Werkstatt gehen, sagen sie etwas Unbestimmtes und scheuchen uns einfach weg. Wie zum Teufel soll ich das machen? Werde ich belästigt, weil ich kein Deutsch spreche und aus Indien komme? Soll ich mich an die Polizei wenden? Jede Hilfe wäre dankbar.
Vielen Dank,
21.05.2019 23:33 - bearbeitet 21.05.2019 23:35
If both of you made contracts on their own for the same address, there is possibility to prematurely cancel one of them. You made the contracts by knowing that you'd then have two lines for the same appartment and have to pay for both - so no way out.
The only possibility would've been if one of you moved AFTER he made the contract to the other person, e.g. if you lived separately and had a single contract for each of the two appartments. In that case, the lower of the two contracts could've been ended with a 3 months notification period after moving together into one appartment - but as I said, that would only apply if both contracts would've been by Vodafone -AND- if you would have had them for different appartments initially.
And by the way:
The Police can't and won't help you in that case - that's only a "private" thing between you and Vodafone and nothing that the police is involved to.
am 22.05.2019 10:39
Hello ShubhenduJena,
you have to report a move, not a resignation. You have to enter the new address and the data of your friend's contract. Only then can the premature termination be checked.
The shop can not help you because it is not the customer service for cable customers. But to call this racism is very out of place.