




Cancellation for internet & mobile failed

I am very reluctant to post this in public, but my two previous emails to Vodafone on this issue have simply been ignored and I was only advised to post the issue here. I don't seem to have a choice. I want to make clear though that I'm very mad at the failed contract cancellation and the hopeless customer service.


I was using Vodafone mobile service & Kabel Deutscheland until 9 August 2018, when I moved out of Germany (I have Abmeldung from Bürgeramt issued on 1 August confirming this).
I have visited Vodafone store in Saarbrücken (Bahnhofstraße 71-73, 66111 Saarbrücken, Germany) on 8 August 2018 to terminate the mobile service - the officer has written a Kündigung letter himself to Vodafone.
I have also sent a Kündigung letter for Kabel Deutscheland on 8 August 2018 to Vodafone via post.

However, Vodafone has still taken money out of my account in September and October for both mobile fee and Kabel Deutscheland. The Kontoauszug is available upon request. Rechnungsnummer: ****

This is unacceptible. Since my German account will close soon, I would like to get the money back to my Korean account (will provide the details in private).

Please get this sorted out as soon as possible.

Edit: please do not post personal information publicly

7 Antworten 7

Hi coallaoh,


let's take a look. Send me your customer number, name and address in a private message.


Then reply again here in the post.




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I sent a message with those details.


Hi coallaoh,


as confirmed on 10.08.2018, the contract Internet & Phone 100 was terminated with a period of 3 months to 08.11.2018. That is so correct.




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I made it clear when I was canceling the contract for "unforeseen circumstances", and in which case the three month notice does not apply.


Even so, I am still getting a bill today ( ************ ), issued on January 4th, with the amount 84.01EUR, for the period between 26.11.2018 and 25.12.2018. The period is beyond the three months after leave notice ( which finishes, as you said, on 08.11.2018 ).


I'm going mad at this. I want the current bill to be canceled, and the three months of payments be retracted. 

Edit: please do not post personal information publicly




Hi coallaoh,


the number of the bill counds like an invoice for the mobile contract. Since the contract can be used for mobile purposes, there is no fundamental right to special termination.


In this case, the possibility of special termination is only possible for DSL and cable.


Best regards


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"the number of the bill counds like an invoice for the mobile contract. Since the contract can be used for mobile purposes, there is no fundamental right to special termination."

--> No, I have permanently moved out of Germany as of 9 August 2018, to South Korea, as mentioned above.

How can I use the Vodafone mobile phone service in South Korea? This is nonsense.


What is most frustrating is that I am still getting a mobile phone bill of amount 84.01EUR, for the period between 26.11.2018 and 25.12.2018. I made it clear through two cancellation letters sent on 8 August 2018, one for Mobile contract, and the other for Kabel Deutscheland, that I want to quit both services! Even with the three month notice period, the billing should finish by 8 November 2018, as Thomas mentioned above. 


So I make my request clear once again:


1. Cancel the current bill for mobile phone.

2. Pay back the three months of mobile / internet fee. If special termination is not possible, then please present a clear reason why.



Hi coallaoh,


Thomas confirmed the cancellation of your cable contract with the product name "Internet & Phone 100". He never confirmed the cancellation of you mobile contract. The reason why you have no right to a special termination with a mobile product is in the name itself. It is mobile usable, even if in this case (south korea) only with roaming options. You have a mobile contract for at least 24 months and we provide the service. 



Best regards


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