am 19.05.2019 23:37
am 20.05.2019 01:11
You're wrong here...
This is a customers-help-customers forum and not an official way to get in contact with Vodafone.
If you want to cancel your landline contract prematurely, then write a cancellation letter in German language (as it's sole contractual language) and include official documents proofing that you're leaving Germany. Your contract will then be cancelled with a 3 months notification period from either the day you leave Germany -or- the day your cancellation letter is received by Vodafone, the later one counts. Please also send back any rental devices in time, you may otherwise be charged for them.
am 20.05.2019 09:20
Hi Jwhitesides78,
if you have to move on military orders. If we need the official letter. You can send it to me with your customer number, name, date of birth and address in a private message.
Then reply again here in the post.