




After moving to a different country and termination of kabel contract , receiving and paying bill

Hello Vodafone team,

My name is Sanjyot Patil and I had availed Vodafone kabel service during my stay in Erlangen ,Germany last year.

I had to move out of Germany and relocate to different country in mid December 2017 due to which I had terminated the kabel contract before leaving. Necessary documents such as copy of my Abmeldung and request for contract termination where submitted from my side at the Vodafone store from where the contract was made before I left. Also the router was sent back to Vodafone by post before I left from Germany. I had also received an acknowledgement letter from Vodafone stating that my request for termination of contract will be processed. However exact date of contract termination was not sent to my last address before I left from Germany.

Inspite of this bill amount is deducted from my bank account every month even after 7 months after contract termination. As I am not staying in Germany anymore it is not possible for me to go in person and check at Vodafone store. On my behalf, My friend had been to store today on my request and he was told at Vodafone store in Erlangen by the customer representative there that I should write to Vodafone service.

Can you please look into this matter asap and stop further deduction of bill from my account. Also the reimbursement of the bill back to my account shall be done for the last 7 months that was deducted even after termination of contract (Jan2018-July2018).

Inspite of repetitive reminders and requests to Vodafone customer service my request is not being processed.

Best Regards,




Edit:  Please adhere to the board rules, @Kabelvodafone. There is no need to post the same issue three times and/or in different board categories within 10 minutes.  Your other two duplicate posts were removed and archived.

27 Antworten 27

Hello Sanjyot,


welcome to our community. Nice to see you. 

Send me the following informations in a private message:

full name
previous and current address
customer number

Write a short reply here afterwards.


Note: please change your username. 


Kind regrads


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sent private message but no actions taken even after 18 months of contract cancellation. All my previous emails on Vodafone have just been ignored and I was only advised to post the issue here. I do not seem to have a choice. I want to make clear that I'm mad at the failed contract cancellation and the hopeless customer service.

Please note:

If you moved on Dec 12th 2017, you'd definitely had to pay for the next 3 months in accordance to the Telecommunications law. So the withdrawals for the monthly fees for December, January, February and part of March 2018 are completely valid.


Please note that if you only wrote e-Mails, it's most probably, that they never have been read by Vodafone as neither of the given e-mail addresses seem to be valid.

And looking at your last thread, you missed it to reply on the question for nearly a whole year. Sorry to tell, but I doubt that there is much that can be done here after such a long time - but maybe some of the mods may be able to have a look. It would have been much easier if you would have replied on the other thread already last year...

Dear Vodafone Team,


Please find my answer below


Actions from my side Before Relocation:


Due to relocation I had well  in advance cancelled my internet kabel contract before I left from Germany.  Also I had submitted the following necessary documents on 1st Dec2017 which was almost 2 weeks before I left Germany (at Vodafone store in person in Erlangen from where the Kabel contract was made)

1)Copy of my Abmeldung from Rathhaus

2)Request for contract termination which was written by customer care executive at Vodafone store were contract was made.

3)The router device was also returned  back to Vodafone kabel  by Deutsche post before leaving Germany on 8th Dec2017.     

4)I had also submitted the acknowledgement letter that was sent to me by Vodafone kabel that my contract would be terminated on 8th Dec 2017.

I don’t understand that inspite of submitting all the necessary documents in person much before reloaction why such a problem has arised in first place??



Actions from my side after Relocation


1)As  I no longer live in Germany so I had also asked one of my colleagues to contact Vodafone store in Erlangen last year in early 2018 from where kabel contract was made regarding this issue, the customer service executive then asked to write email and convey this problem to Vodafone kabel and said that as it’s a mistake from Vodafone so all the money that was deducted after contract termination shall be refunded back to me . Email Ids were emails should be sent were given by customer service executive as follows:


  • *** 


Several emails were sent last year and this year to address this problem but no reply.


2) Not just emails but sevaral post letters were also sent to kundenservice at Erfurt and Nurnberg with the following documents.

1)Copy of my Abmeldung from Rathhaus

2)Complaint regarding unnecessary bill deductions

3)The acknowledgement letter that was sent to me by Vodafone kabel that my contract would be terminated along with my new contact details.



3)Thread was also raised and I had replied to it with all necessary information required.


But No actions taken yet.


Please understand its not really possible for me to invest so much time in following up with vodafone  kabel over emails,forums,posts,etc for this issue. I request you to address this problem immediately and stop generating or sending further bills as I have already closed my bank account in Germany.


Please Note:

If the kabel contract was not terminated due to whatsoever mistake from Vodafone kabel on my requests made earlier please terminate it immediately on high priority .I don't want the contract to get auto extended again and pay for services which I am not using. Please take necessary actions to ensure that kabel contract is terminated immediately .I will not be liable for paying any bills to Vodafone kabel henceforth if any new bills are generated.Stop further bill generation and refund back the amount from Mar-18 to June 19.I shall provide necessary bank details for the refund.Contact me on ***  henceforth.


Thanks for your support and understanding


Edit: E-Mailadressen gelöscht, Lars


Let me also know if there is anew email address or post address where I can also send my complaint .



Re-requesting for termination of internet contract with Vodafone kabel if it was not done by vodafone on earlier requests.


Dear Vodafone team, 


My name is Sanjyot Subhash Patil ,my kundenummer is *** and my Vertragsnummer is ***. I had availed kabel contract with vodafone in July 2017. But unfortunately I had to move out of Germany permanently on 12th December 2017 and relocate to India. I have no address in Germany. 


Due to relocation I had well  in advance cancelled my internet kabel contract before I left from Germany.  Also I had submitted the following necessary documents on 1st Dec2017 required for kabel contract termination (at Vodafone store in Erlangen from where the Kabel contract was made)

1)Copy of my Abmeldung from Rathhaus

2)Request for contract termination.

3)The router device was also returned  back to Vodafone kabel  by Deutsche post much before leaving Germany i.e on 8th Dec2017.     


Soon after requesting for contract termination I had received acknowledgement from Vodafone  kabel on 7th Dec 2017 that my request for contract termination was received by Vodafone kabel and that my contract would be terminated immediately but date was not mentioned though. However inspite of contract termination in Dec 2017 ,I was still receiving and paying monthly bills till June 2019.I had sent several emails and post to vodafone kabel-kundenservice & Vodafone community forum (in July,Aug 2018,in Jan2019,Feb Mar 2019,May 2019,June 2019 and now again) to address this problem but no actions were taken from your side.


Please note that as I have already moved out of Germany and relocated to India in Dec-2017, I do not wish to extend the kabel contract any further and do not wish to pay for services that I have not used. Also Please note that henceforth I will not be liable for paying any bills to vodafone kabel if any new bills are generated and send to me ,as I had already earlier in 2017 and now again have done everything required from my side to terminate the kabel contract. Incase if contract was not terminated earlier please consider this as a re-request to cancel/terminate my internet contract with Vodafone kabel with immediate effect.


Edit: personal data deleted, Lars


Hi Kabelvodafone,


why don't you get back to us until a year later? That could have been clarified long ago. Please send us private messages only after request, otherwise they get lost.


I have now terminated the contract. A retroactive processing is unfortunately not possible. I let the existing open amounts write off, so that the customer account is on zero. A confirmation of the cancellation to today you get by mail.


Best regards


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Dear Lars,


So I will  assume my kabel contract is now terminated from immediate effect and no new bills shall be generated henceforth.

Please send me a confirmation over email. I will wait for an email confirmation.


Regarding refund of amount deducted between  Mar18-June 19 why shall it be not possible to refund  just because I did not have time to invest in replying to thread created? It is absolutely unfair and wrong to not refund me the amount.

Please note that  I had myself personally submitted all necessary documents at vodafone store & router(by post) required for contract cancellattion  before i was leaving Germany much in advance . I sent sevaral emails and posts after leaving Germany to address my problem .Writing email and sending post letters was suggested to me by customer service executive and I have done that from my side.No body told me to create threads or follow up forums,I did that proactively as an back up alternative though. How would i know that I should keep following up on forums in such a case?I had no further time to invest in replying to threads.Please understand its really diffcult to contact vodafone kabel in germany from my country of residence.I was not provided with any information to do deal with this . have done best possible from my side that can be done.


I dont think this is my mistake at all and I request vodafone kabel should refund back all the amount that was deducted when I was actually not even using their service.


Your cooperation and understanding will be highly  appreciated.


Thanks &regards,

Sanjyot Patil


Hi Kabelvodafone,


the cancellation confirmation was sent to you yesterday by e-mail.


Between August 2018 and June 2019 no contact was made by you. It was not until the end of June that you contacted customer service again and were referred back to our community. Customer service is usually only available in German. Here in the community we only offer an additional compromise for English speaking customers.


In this case I can't make retroactive credit notes. I have credited all fees that we could no longer debit. More is unfortunately not possible.


Best regards


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