21.05.2020 23:25 - bearbeitet 21.05.2020 23:29
Dear all,
I would like to have Public IP v4 on my roter, and also i would like to have my vodafone router in bridge mode.
How i can make this? If it not possible what i need to make to have it ( to change my tarif or ...)
Could you plase advise.
Thank you in advance.
am 21.05.2020 23:30
If your router is a Vodafone station, I'm afraid to tell you that you cannot switch the router into Bridge Mode within the Vodafone West / ex UnityMedia area. This is not supported there...
Second: Your router should have a public IPv6 network - try to use this.
If you also need a public IPv4, this can only be achieved within separate options on UnityMedia network - as far as I know, one was the telephone pro option.
In any way, a public IPv4 is NOT part of the base contract at all - your contract is fullfilled as agreed by using DualStack-Lite technology.
am 21.05.2020 23:36
Thank you for prompt answer.
I understand this but what i can do to have IPv4 adress how i can change to differnet service for example to move to the red bussines?
I have some devices at home and i need to open ports for them.
am 21.05.2020 23:53
As you are customer of Vodafone West / UnityMedia, you'd have to ask UnityMedia - as Moderators here cannot do anything right now due to the fact that the systems of Vodafone (ex KabelDeutschland) and Vodafone West (ex UnityMedia) are separated...
Just have a look here: Contact possibilities for UnityMedia customers.
am 22.05.2020 08:41
I am Vodafone customer and i signed contract in March an i am really disappointed how this internet working and becuse i am not able to use some services.
am 23.05.2020 14:14
Hi bogosavljevic,
welcome to the Vodafone Community!
3Play Fly is an old Unitymedia tariff. This is why you will be serviced by the Unitymedia customer service.
You will find all contact data under the link reneromann posted before.
Unfortunately we moderators can not service you here in our community yet.