No support for english user

I got router, but not able to install it. Customer care dont understand English. I don't know German.


I cant use the router. I cant cancel the contract. No one responds to emails.


What should I do? 

106 Antworten 106

Where can I check for the wifi contract? Please tell me how to navigate to the myvodafone portal and where exactly to find if wifi is there or not.


It's called "WLAN-Option" and seems to be included in your contract for free at least from your scan.


So your WiFi should be online and visible - I think it should be called anything like "Vodafone-1234" (whereas the last 4 digits/characters may vary); the details should be listed on the sign on your router - together with the password you need to use.

It may be that you cannot see the WiFi despite it being available if there are too many WiFi networks around as some devices/operating systems (especially mobile ones) limit the number of WiFi networks (and they even don't take into account which is the "loudest" one...


You may also set up your own WiFi name / password using the routers configuration menu - usually available using link if you are connected to the router.

Thats why i need the technician at my apartment. 

@reneromann thanks for your messages. Lets wait for the moderator.

But the line itself is working now, e.g. you can use the internet if you directly connect your computer to the router using a network cable?


If the line itself is working, it might be only an issue with the router activation data, e.g. just a click in the system to re-send the right configuration data to the router. No technician needed in that case.

No, its not working with the wired line either. Please arrange technician to check and fix.


Hello, Shadab,


the modem is online and the values are OK. Unfortunately another contract was ordered via the trade. with 1000 MBit/s. And thus the contract does not activate. We have to clean this up first. This takes 1-2 hours and then we can activate the modem with the 100 contract. Please leave the modem as it is at the connection.


Best regards Fred

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Thanks Fred, this is very helpful. Please let me know when you are done with the clean up and we can start using the wifi.


Hello Shadab,


You can start now. You can find the access data from the modem on the sticker on the modem.


Best regards Fred

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Ok, i will check.

I got a mail from VF which says,

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