am 07.07.2019 04:23
Ich kann nicht finden "Internet" > "Port Forwarding" optionen:
Firmware version:
Dass ist was Ich sehe:
Aber gemass die manual "Touchstone TG3442DE Telefonie-Gateway. Benutzerhandbuch, STANDARD Revision 1.1" dass ist was man kann finden in "Internet" sektion:
Warum? Soll ich the firmware upgrade? Wie?. Es gibt keine "upgrade" option in den ganzen admin seite.
07.07.2019 08:52 - bearbeitet 07.07.2019 08:53
Guten Morgen @JavierG
Herzlich Willkommen in der Community ... 🙂
Möchtest du über eine IPv4 Portweiterleitung von Außen (über das Internet) auf dein internes Netzwerk zugreifen ?
Ich vermute das dein Anschluß über DS-Lite geschaltet ist, dann ist Port-Forwarding über IPv4 nicht möglich. Dein Router ist über das Internet nur über IPv6 erreichbar.
am 08.07.2019 01:53
I hope you don't mind that I continue the thread in english (I see it is ok in other threads ;-))
Before this long message, just saying that so far I am very happy with the speed with which I got the router at home, the performance of the connection itself and the fact that there is actual people replying to this messages in the "community forum". So much better than previous experience (here in DE)!!
Yep, I understand that I am under DS-Lite (thanks to replies to this other thread as well:, so I have an IPv6 address expossed to the internet. This is fine. I do not want to downgrade to IPv4. What I want is to keep IPv6 and just be able to allow incomming trafic to one port of one of my home devices. I guess it is not "forwarding" (or "translating", not sure) because the IPv6 address is not the one of the router (as with IPv4) but the one of the internal device.
Activate Brigde Mode
As I can understand form this ticket (, you recommend going the "Bridge Mode" way, which turns the router into a modem, not applying any firewall, right?. So one must have another router. But: does it work with IPv6 or anyway one must downgrade to IPv4 even in the Bridge Mode?
Deactivate Homespot
To my surprise, in order to activate the "Bridge Mode" ( one must first deactivate the "Homespot"... which turns my router into a "public" hotsopt!! (ok only for other customers). It is dissapointing that it might take up to 7 days to get it deactivated
Erratic behavior of the "Port Mapping" section in TG3442DE interface
Just by luck I have realized that one can see the Port Mapping section IF the cable is disconnected, so the router is not connected to internet:
Then you can see some default mappings and set up some additional maping, which I did.
Of course when internet is back again this page is not reachable either via menu or url and of course the port is not reachable on my device's global IPv6 address from internet (I had to try).
Thanks for your support,
am 08.07.2019 12:56
Hi JavierG,
Unfortunately I can't give you an IPv4 address. This only works in connection with a business contract.
If you deactivate the homespot (then it is no longer available for other customers, at the moment it is probably reachable), you can activate the bridge mode. This allows you to use any router and set up port-mapping.
With the Fritzbox 6490 you can do all these settings without connecting an extra device.
Best Regards, Manu