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How to turn of firewall permanently?

Hi everyone,

I just have a Gigabit Internet connection with a Wlan Kabeldeutschland modem.

I just isntalled my own dns server in home and use my own advanced hardware firewall.

The only problem which remains is vodafone router built in firewall!

When I turned it off it will remains off only for 24 hours and will turn on automatically!

So How can I turn it off permanently?

also here is my Firmware version:


Thanks a lot and have a lovley day.

1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Usually you should NOT cascade 2 routers if not needed at all.

For your case (using a separate firewall/router), you should enable the so called "Bridge Mode", which turns your Cable Router into a "stupid" Cable modem that only serves the first device connected with an internet connection (without any routing or firewall functionality).

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12 Antworten 12

Usually you should NOT cascade 2 routers if not needed at all.

For your case (using a separate firewall/router), you should enable the so called "Bridge Mode", which turns your Cable Router into a "stupid" Cable modem that only serves the first device connected with an internet connection (without any routing or firewall functionality).

Thanks a lot for fast answer,

I just enabled Bridge-Mode and everythings are fine 🙂

Just have couple of questions:


1- I found my IPV4 on Bridge mode is a public one is that right? because I just managed to forward ports over it!

2- I noticed my IPV4 is not change during last few days! is it static or not?

3- Is it possible to connect a Fritzbox only as ISDN device to use its FAX and Answerig machine features?


Thanks a lot and Happy New Year 🙂

1 - yes, at the moment you're getting a public IPv4 - but that may change to a private IPv4 or even DualStack Lite without any further notice in the future.

2 - It's not static, but it may change only seldomly (but it can change!). If you need static IP addresses, you'll have to switch to a Business plan and book the "Feste IP-Adresse" option which will grant you a "pure" static IPv4 address (and a static /56 IPv6 prefix).

3 - No, not with ISDN but with analogue telephony. All the standard routers only have a single analogue telephone line to use - you may feed this line into a FritzBox that is capable of running on a analogue telephone line (like 7270, 7390, 7490, 7590) and use all the telephony functions from the FritzBox (that are available if running on an analogue line).


I'm also a Gigabit Kabel Vodafone user and I have the same issue. While the firewall is on - my work VPN connection does not work. I want to turn it off permanently. 

But I do not have a second router, so I cannot afford to turn my Vodafone box into a bridge. This is very annoying, that a feature that is supposed to protect us, is actually a pain in the a**


Is there a way to disable this feature permanently ?




Hello alexnastas1,

have you tried the router interface yet?

Best regards


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Yes, I have. I can turn it off from the web interface, but this is only temporary. It will switch itself back on automatically after 24 hours. This is very annoying. 


Hello alexnastas1,


does the router restart?


Best regards


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No, it does not restart. Maybe I should add some more details. 

The router model is this: CGA4233DE

The firmware version: 1.0.9-IMS-KDG


Once I turn off the Firewall, a pop-up comes up and says that it will automatically be re-enabled in 24 hours. 

And I can't do anything about this. Every time I need to connect to VPN - I need to first log into the Modem web interface and disable the firewall. 





Hello alexnastas1,


please perform a factory reset of the router.


Best regards


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