




Activation code not working for Kabel Deutschland

Hi i am using Kabel Deutschland for a year now. I was having trouble with my internet. I asked for a technical guy appointment. The Technician guy came and he installed a new router and went back without even checking if my internet is working or not. When I tried opening the browser it showed me the following page:



I tried finding activation code somewhere in my portal after trying hard in finding with German menus i was able to find the activation code request option. I clicked on send activation code and i received an activation code in my email. They also said they will send in the Post in upcoming days. The problem was when i tried adding the activation code i received with my Kundennumber it showed me error message page with this warning:

Leider können Sie die Aktivierung dieses Gerätes nicht durchführen. Es handelt sich bei dem Gerät um Eigentum von Vodafone Kabeldeutschland, welches bereits einem anderen Kunden zugeordnet ist. Bitte wenden Sie sich gegebenenfalls an Ihren Verkäufer.


Then i tried calling after two hours and 10+ calls I found a person who was able to understand English. He asked me details of the new router. Like Serial number and Mac number of the new router. He said he will forward this to someone and they will attach the new router to my contract. He said things will work fine in an hour or two. It's been more than a couple of hours still when i tried running the router it is taking me to activation page again that I posted above. I tried putting the activation code i received still its shown me exactly the same message as i mentioned above. I am lost i don't know what to do because first of all, I tried calling to customer services i am facing really rude people, some of them are not even willing to talk. I am paying for more than 40 Euros per month and in the end i am getting this kind of service really?



If someone can help me it would be nice i can give my further details on request

13 Antworten 13

It seems that your rental device was not correctly associated with your contract and therefor is not automatically activated (which it should be). If you already contacted the hotline and they took the box details, then it should usually work in a few minutes or hours.

If not, you might have to wait for a mod to check what is wrong with your rental device activation.

Yep this seems to be the problem. I hope at least here i am heard. Its been 2 weeks already i am suffering the wrath of the bad customer service and internet. I have been really happy with internet before but now its becoming a headache.


Hello fahimmahmood,

I'm sorry the cable router activation didn't go as planned. I would be happy to check your contract and connection.

Send me a private message with your data (name, address, customer number and date of birth).





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I sent you information in the private message. Waiting for your reply


Hi fahimmahmood,


seems like your modem is online now. Does everything works?


Kind regards


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Hi Marco,

Unfortunately still the new modem is not activated i even messaged all details still its not working. When i plug old router the internet works but old problem of very slow internet remains and the new router which according to the technician was the answer to my problem still exist. So now i am actually forced into two problems. One is my very very slow internet on Old router. Second my "savior" new router is stuck with following message (and no internet at all):




Hi fahimmahmood,

I've now transferred your data to the new router. If you connect it now, it should set itself up automatically.

Please test as soon as possible and let me know again if it worked.

Best Regards, Manu




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Hi Manu,

Thank you for the reply and for making my new router work. Now new router is working and connecting to the internet. Yet my real problem because of which technician installed new modem is still there i am getting only 7-12 Mbps speed rather what i used to get (200-370 Mbps). The Internet is too slow and the problem persists. Can you check what could be the problem in the system? 

One more thing what should i do with the old Router? Could you send me some documents or something to what to do with the old one? 


Hello fahimmahmood,


the interference is caused by irradiation at 794 to 810 MHz. This has to be checked by a technician on site. Can we assign the technician for you?


Best regards Fred

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