english support

I have sent by post this letter and the reply was to write here .... it´s been 2 weeks now that I am trying to have a support in english but seems very difficult. here is the text with my issues.


Dear Sirs,

according to our agreement of December 03, 2020, for the installation of your connection, I enclose the invoice that I have already paid to the company that performed the work to get your connection in your new home.

As we agreed, you would be reimbursed up to 400 euros.

my customer number is : XXXXXXXXXX

vetrags number is : XXXXXXXXXXX

You can transfer me the amount to the same bank account that you already have in my contract.

Unfortunately on 21.02.2021 on Messenger Vodafone service , one of your operators wrote me that you do not want to refund this bill .


So now I explain a little bit all the problems I have with your company.

I have been with your company for only 2 months, before that I was with Telekom for 14 years and I never had any kind of problem.

In December 2020 I moved house, with all your offers and proposals (saying that even if there was not your line in the new house and you would pay for that work) you convinced me to switch to your company.


In the meantime, due to the fact that I had no internet, you suggested that I take a Giga Cube for 1 month and that I could use it for 3 weeks and then return it and I would pay only one month ..... which in the end turned out not to be true as I had to pay 2 bills for almost 100 euros for ONLY 3 WEEKS !!!!


You took the money from my account without sending any kind of invoice or letter about it, so I found out that I had to pay those amounts from my bank statement .... which is not what you said in the beginning .... ANYWAY .... Getting my invoices was the worst nightmare ever!


As you can see I don't speak German, and at the beginning when I had to make the contract an operator said it was not a problem because you have many foreign operators.


Well: you have the hot line where the robot even if you say OPERATOR it doesn't recognize the language change, so I had to stay on the phone for almost 4 hours for 3 days .... until FINALLY by pressing random keys I could reach some operators.


Do you know what happens when you ask your operators to speak English? THEY SAY NO AND CUT THE LINE!!!


So, besides the fact that I feel DISCRIMINATED, some of them are also able to say in English "we are in Germany so u have to speak german" ... IS THIS YOUR SERVICE?


Apparently yes! because after having FINALLY found a nice lady who called me back for the issue of the first bill of the Gigacube the exact same nightmare happened when I wanted to know about the second bill, because according to an operator I had to pay only one bill for the Gigacube .... but however finally after 3 days going through the same nightmare an operator on messenger answered me that it was written in the contract of the Gigacube so I had to pay 2 months.....


So now after this annoying problem with GigaCube, it turns out that it refuses to pay for the work needed to be done to install the line.


As I said from the beginning there is a Telekom line, so because of :


- this change in your behavior

- change of agreements

- you do not have an attitude inclined to help your customer

- refusal to pay for work that I did not need to do, when on 03.12.2020 you said you would cover up to 400 euros 

- difficulty talking to English-speaking operators for any kind of problem

- bad behavior of operators on the hotline



Please send me all the formulas to close the contract with you, send me the address where I have to send back your modem.


Best regards,

8 Antworten 8

Sorry, but you cannot send any legally binding work in this customers-help-customers board.


And as you are in Germany: Sole contractual language is German, except there are additional [written] agreements in the contract. This means that all conversation has to be done in German (except there are additional written agreements) and that customer service also only has to be provided in German language (except there are additional written agreements); any service in other languages that have not been contractually agreed upon is only provided at an as-is base, which also could mean that there is no support in that other languages at all. This also means that you will need to get a translator at your own expenses in case you don't know the contractual languages well enough.


Next thing:

Installation fees - especially if a technician comes and sets up a line for 400 € (which is far more than the usual installation fees - and which means that there has been work done that exceeds the usual amount needed) - won't be covered. If you did not get any kind of written confirmation that this kind of service is covered, it won't (and thus there won't be any reimbursement).


For the GigaCube:

Usually those kind of contracts are usual contracts that you have to pay for the Cube and the SIM card usage - usually 50 € initially for the hardware and 35 € per month of usage if I remember right. The partial month between line activation and start of the billing period (which is NOT identical) will be covered partially together with the full monthly fee for the next billing period.


And lastly:

You can cancel your contract to the end of the contractual term (initially 24 months, automatic extensions 12 months) if your cancellation notice has been received by Vodafone in time (usually 3 months before end of the current term). There are only very few exceptions in which a premature cancellation can be done.

WOW ! that´s a very helpful answer ....


so basically you said that 


1. we are in germany so it´s normal that you dont provide any english support , so it´s my problem . 


well.... when you had to convince me to change from Telekom to Vodafone you were talikng super good english and said it was not a problem at all! but now : WE ARE IN GERMANY SO IT´S MY PROBLEM ... well this sounds discriminatory , epecially becasue WE ARE IN EUROPE so at least due to the fact that Vodafone is taking my money EVEN IF I DONT SPEAK GERMAN I pretend at least a minimum of support .  


So what u are saying is that in order to make me changing the contract with Vodafone I had : 


- a fake information about english support

- fake information about the refunding up to 400 euros. 


So at the end as resume : 

- no english support

- I had to pay 400 euros 

- now with all this fake infos I got from your hotline, I have as result that I MUST stay with u for 24 months !!



Didnt expect this way of working in Germany ! 



@Silviarizzo3  schrieb:

1. we are in germany so it´s normal that you dont provide any english support , so it´s my problem . 

Exactly - same as you cannot expect English support in France, Spain, Italy or any other country that does not have English as one of their official languages or where you have special agreements that -on top of the official languages- guarantee you support in English...


@Silviarizzo3  schrieb:

well.... when you had to convince me to change from Telekom to Vodafone you were talikng super good english and said it was not a problem at all! but now : WE ARE IN GERMANY SO IT´S MY PROBLEM ... well this sounds discriminatory , epecially becasue WE ARE IN EUROPE so at least due to the fact that Vodafone is taking my money EVEN IF I DONT SPEAK GERMAN I pretend at least a minimum of support

Nope, that is not how it is working - and that is not discrimination at all.

You signed a contract where your signature clearly stated that you comply with all the parts of the contract. And within this contract, there is nothing said about Support in any other than the contractual language - no matter what any kind of salesperson was telling you (as spoken words are not part of the contract - only what is written is part of the contract). It would have been up to you to get any kind of translation in case you didn't understand what you signed for - but your signature is legally binding and basically says that you agree with all the written terms of the contract (and thus also that German is sole contractual language - also for any kind of support).


@Silviarizzo3  schrieb:

So what u are saying is that in order to make me changing the contract with Vodafone I had : 

- a fake information about english support

It is not fake information - but there is no right for you to only communicate in English. As I said - support in any other language than the contractually agreed ones is only given on a best-effort base - which means that there may be no support at all if the support staff does not feel secure to answer your requests.


@Silviarizzo3  schrieb:

- fake information about the refunding up to 400 euros. 

If here is nothing written about those 400 € or a refund for a technicial, then there's nothing to refund.

And I just can tell you that 400 € for an initial setup can only mean that you required any kind of service that was far above what is done usually. This usually means that there has to be done wiring or configuration on your devices - which is obviously not part of the contractual obligations. Neither is the initial setup of your devices / routers part of the fee - a technician is NOT showing up to configure your devices or your network but only to make the router work. Any kind of installation or configuration that goes beyond connecting the cable router to an antenna outlet (e.g. configuration on your network devices to connect to the router, laying new ethernet cables, even laying new antenna cables if there is an outlet avaiable at your flat...) is NOT covered by Vodafone!


@Silviarizzo3  schrieb:

- now with all this fake infos I got from your hotline, I have as result that I MUST stay with u for 24 months !!

That is what you signed for - you signed for a 24 months contract, so you are bound to it for 24 months...

If you didn't want 24 months, it would have been up to you to not sign the contract and instead opt for another one with shorter terms.


First of all I ask you to change the tone of your answers because they are not only discriminatory but also very rude and arrogant.

Do not insist on the fact that we are in Germany and therefore I have to speak German because you keep saying that in Germany you are racist.

In all other countries (and trust me, I have traveled allover the world) EVERYONE speaks English with foreigners or at least makes an effort to help non-native speakers.
HERE NO! and especially VODAFONE.

Because I repeat that with Telekom nothing of what happens to me with Vodafone has ever happened to me.

You are smart, cunning to attract people, this must be admitted! But you are dishonest, and your answers prove it.

To confirm the fact that what I was told on the phone is true, YOU told me to contact STEINBRECHER and make an appointment to do the work.

However, I don't want to answer anymore and I don't want to interact with a rude person.

I want to have now the forms to sign to cancel the contract ( which of course I will pay for 24 months ) but I want to be sure now that in 24 months everything will be cancelled without any doubt or smart clause. and I want written the exact date in which all will be cancelled, with clear explanations about how and what I have to do. 

so please send me the cancellation form.

I will also tell as many people as possible about the treatment I got from German VODAFONE.

Congratulations for the support!



@Silviarizzo3  schrieb:


First of all I ask you to change the tone of your answers because they are not only discriminatory but also very rude and arrogant.

Do not insist on the fact that we are in Germany and therefore I have to speak German because you keep saying that in Germany you are racist.

First of all: This is NOT racist - there is a Legislation in place and it clearly states which are the official languages!

In Germany obviously German (with some regions having even their local langugage as official language) - but NOT English!


@Silviarizzo3  schrieb:

In all other countries (and trust me, I have traveled allover the world) EVERYONE speaks English with foreigners or at least makes an effort to help non-native speakers.
HERE NO! and especially VODAFONE.

Sorry, but this is pure Bull****:

Go to France - no service in English

Go to Italy - no service in English

Go to Spain - no service in English

Go to Russia - no service in English

And even in South Korea or Japan:

No service in English!


@Silviarizzo3  schrieb:

You are smart, cunning to attract people, this must be admitted! But you are dishonest, and your answers prove it.

First: You signed a contract that YOU didn't fully understand and now want to blame others for YOU not understanding what you signed? And now becoming even rude against people that try to clarify to you that it's up to you need to clarify and understand what you sign BEFORE you sign.


And in case you still haven't got it - this is a customers-help-customers board, I'm also just a customer but try to provide some English speaking support. But with YOUR arrogant approach in this board and how you even write those posts, I doubt you'll get any kind of help anymore in here.

And this last post could also result in you getting a temporary or permanent ban because with your use of accusations and strong language, you violated the terms of this board more than once.


@Silviarizzo3  schrieb:

I want to have now the forms to sign to cancel the contract ( which of course I will pay for 24 months ) but I want to be sure now that in 24 months everything will be cancelled without any doubt or smart clause.

There is no special form - you have to send a cancellation letter -in German language- stating at least your wish to cancel as well as information to identify the contract (like customer number, contract number and/or address) to Vodafone. This cannot be done in this customers-help-customers board - you need to use one of the official contacts.


@Silviarizzo3  schrieb:

and I want written the exact date in which all will be cancelled, [...]

There's no law that enforces Vodafone to reply to your cancellation request - but usually if you politely(!) ask for it, you'll get a written confirmation stating exact that date. It can be moreover found on your invoices...


@Silviarizzo3  schrieb:

with clear explanations about how and what I have to do. 

Simply said - send all rental hardware back to the corresponding addresses.


@Silviarizzo3  schrieb:

so please send me the cancellation form.

As I said - there is no such cancellation form as law doesn't make any kind of requirements for this.

The law only requires it to be in written form and to be clear for the receiver to understand what you want - no special wording or form needed.


@Silviarizzo3  schrieb:

I will also tell as many people as possible about the treatment I got from German VODAFONE.

Congratulations for the support!

But you shouldn't leave out the part that you didn't know the language, signed a contract you didn't fully understand and later on use accusations and strong language in a customers-help-customers board in order to oppress other people to switch in favour of you.


You probably don't understand what I'm saying.

I never said I signed something I don't understand and want to cancel the contract because of it!

I sent the invoice that an operator of Vodafone said to send to be refunded, done this they told me to write here for support in English.

The arrogant and racist person is you, let's make this very clear!

I said that I want to cancel the contract because you have given both to me that I do not speak German but in English you have given me conflicting information, but especially to a German person who spoke with your call center you have given very precise directions to do the job and be refunded.

SO, I stuck to what you said.... now the version changes.

I have to admit that I have NEVER had such an arrogant and racist customer support person in ANY PART OF THE WORLD, and I am amazed that a company like VODAFONE allows this.

I repeat that all over the world if a person is not a native speaker they can always help others, HERE NO! (especially with customers)

Do not turn the matter in your favor or make me out to be ignorant, the facts are listed, my tones have always been polite yours have not, and I repeat again, from a company like VODAFONE to be stained with rudeness and racist tones towards customers, I do not think it is a good thing.

Anyway, with this I end the communication with you, and I will turn elsewhere, obviously reporting this conversation.

Best regards.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Neither @reneromann nor I are Vodafone employees. You are in a customer-help-customer forum, there is primarily NO support from Vodafone employees. However, every now and then Vodafone employees drop by who may be able to help you. But you must be clear that the contract AND support language is and will remain German. This has nothing to do with racism, even in the UK or the USA we as Germans would not receive any support in German or any language other than English.
Please have a little patience until a mod reports here, these are then Vodafone employees who also have access to your customer account. You can recognize them by the VF in front of the name.

Dear Torsten, 


thank you for your kind reply. Now I understand a bit more, as I thought that Vodafone operators would answer me .... 


I wrote an official letter to Vodafone and they replied in english that I could explain my issue here and here an operator would have helped me in english , that´s why I wrote here ... I thought that an operator was talking to me .


Thanks for the clarification and you kind clarification, I will write again a letter to the main office and ask agin there to have an email address where to send the documents . 


My best regards

