Help Please!

Hello. I have my Vodafone WiFi box and Telekom has come by. However, I still have no internet. The Telekom employee told me the WiFi still has to be activated by Vodafone. I do not have the papers that came with the WiFi box. The last tenant of the home opened the package and threw it away. What do I need to do to get internet?



Edit: Post moved to the right board

1 Antwort 1

Hey PDBradford,

welcome to the Vodafone Community.

If the technician from the telecom did his job properly , just connect the router with the telephone connection socket into your appartment.

Since i don't know which device you are using - my best guess would be an easybox 804? (since its our most popular router).

Either connect a phone and follow the instructions over the telephone receiver.
Otherwise please connect your pc via lancable - then open a  browser.
A wizard should guide you through the installation process (otherwise please open Username root / PW 123456)

You find the required modem installationcode in your welcomeletter.

I can have a quick look into your customeraccount,  if you whish.
Therefore please send me a private message with your customerinfo's.

(click on my name/avatar, then on the right side "Diesem Benutzer eine private Nachricht senden")

Best regards,

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