05.09.2018 04:13 - bearbeitet 05.09.2018 04:16
I used a prepaidcallya tarif SIM card 3 months ago in munich.
and I have to go other country, so I can't use this SIM card.
is there any further charge even though I don't use the SIM card?
Do i have to stop the tarif? Or Just remaining the SIM card is OK?
am 05.09.2018 12:49
Hello nikji, there is the possibility to change the tariff. So no monthly fee is deducted. Alternatively, a shutdown of the phone number is possible. For this we need a notice on the written way. I hope I could help you with this information. If you want a tariff change. Please send me your phone number via PM (left click on my name and then right on "Send this user a private message"). Best regards BiancaW