Pre-paid credit not recharging
I purchased a pre paid sim back on the 6th of July in Germany.
When i bought it it required a down payment of around 54 euro to be used at a rate of 9.99 every 4 weeks. Around 2 weeks ago my service cut out after using around 1/3 of my data.

I have been trying to get in contact with Vodafone to find out why my pre-paid plan is not replenishing this month but struggling to do so.

I am in Ireland so downloading Mienvodafone is not an option.
I was never given an internet password.
Every time i contact customer services it cuts out after 3 minutes if the call even connects in the first place.
Is there an email service I can use to contact someone to resolve this?
Thanks a bunch guys.
1 Antwort 1

Hello Ignorant_fool, I like to see what's going on there. Please send me your phone number and your e-mail address via PM (on the left click on my name and then on the right on "Send this user a private message"). Best regards BiancaW




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