Hello there, good morning! I've a Vodafone Kabel internet connection, and I'm not getting internet from the past 3 days. I've created a ticket for it using "Netz-Assitant" yesterday, however I don't have my internet even today. Can someone please loo...
Hello there! I had O2 prepaid SIM and I wanted to port that number to vodafone, so I asked O2 to release that number and they did release it. After that I bought a CallYa Prepaid eSIM and opted to take my current O2 number, and finished identity veri...
Hallo! Guten Nachmittag! Ich weiß nicht warum, aber aus irgendeinem Grund ist mein Internet ausgefallen. Ich habe auf die Homepage des Routers (http://kabelbox.local) zugegriffen und es wird "DOCSIS Offline" angezeigt. Nicht sicher, was in diesem Fal...
Hello there!
From last night, I'm not getting internet. When I see the router web interface, it says DOCSIS online and everything is fine (see the picture attached), however there is no internet. Can someone please look into this? Please don't hesi...
Hello all, I'm using Kabel for internet, from today(17th Jun 2020) evening, my internet connectivity is gone and I can see a red light blinking on my router. When I logged into the kabelbox I can see the `DOCSIS` is offline. Please find the attached ...