
Ich schreibe Ihnen, um mich nach der Möglichkeit zu erkundigen, die Telefonoption meines aktuellen Breitbandvertrags zu deaktivieren und zu einer reinen Internetverbindung zu wechseln.   Ich möchte wissen, ob dies möglich ist und wie hoch die monatli...
Hi I have had Vodafone contract since last 3 years and have never had such a long outage.Its been more then 4 days now.I am in Home office and have several video meetings that I have had to defer.I have spent more on mobile internet last 3 days than ...
Hello,My 2 year Vodafone Red&Internet 50 Cable came to an end on 9th December 2020.I switched to Eazy20 plan from 9th.In the first bill I can see the activation fee being charged but when I took out the plan there was an offer of no activation fee.I ...
Hello, I have a Kabel Deutschland Account. I also have a Callya prepaid sim card. Do i get 500 mb data gigakombi bonus on my prepaid mobile?   *** @Saud_Rehman, thread moved from Gewinnspiele to CallYa. ***
Hi,I am in the process of porting my sim card to vodafone.I tried to do it via WebID, but the webID said it can not be translated into Indian passports.Please could someone give me any other alternative way like Post ident etc for verification