am 22.12.2022 20:38
hat sonst noch jemand Probleme mit dem Sky Premieren HD Transponder. Bildfehler beim Live TV schauen oder Aufnahmen mit Sky Q Receiver brechen mit z.Bsp "Teilweise aufgenommen (56m) , Kein Empfang [11220]" ab.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 27.02.2023 19:57
Sie werden es doch nicht endlich hingekriegt haben.
Zumindest wurde seit heute 12 Uhr kein Fehler mehr registriert. Die erste Aufnhame ist auch fehlerfrei durch.
Mal sehn ob es so bleibt.
am 22.12.2022 22:26
@WolfgangN schrieb:
Bildfehler beim Live TV schauen oder Aufnahmen mit Sky Q Receiver brechen mit z.Bsp "Teilweise aufgenommen (56m) , Kein Empfang [11220]" ab.
Bei den Aufnahmen fehlen Teile? Ca. 2 bis 3mal für 5 bis 10 Minuten?
Bei Sky One HD passiert das nicht?
am 22.12.2022 22:49
Damit ich mir mal ein Bild von der Störung machen konnte, hab ich mit einer alten DVB-C Karte einen Langzeittest gemacht. Hier sieht man wie bei 522 Mhz auf beiden Tunern die unkorrigierbaren Fehler parallel hochgehen.
Auf 530 Mhz tritt hingegen kein einziger Fehler auf.
Die Fehler sind unregelmässig und es können auch mal bis zu 2-3 Stunden fehlerfrei sein.
Fehler tritt meist 1-2 mal pro Stunde auf
Das ganze hab ich auch schon bei Sky im Forum gepostet: Aufnahmen auf Sky Premiere HD Transponder ständig fehlerhaft (Vodafone Kabel)
am 23.12.2022 20:15
Ich hab dir im Sky Forum was dazu geschrieben, was anderes würde ich hier auch nicht schreiben wollen.
am 27.12.2022 15:01
ich habe das gleiche Problem wie auch einige andere im Sky Forum, dass bei meinem Sky Q Receiver die Aufnahmen von Sky Cinema Premiere HD, Sky Showcase HD und Sky Sport Top Event HD (alles gleiche Frequenz) jetzt fast immer fehlerhaft sind. Bei den Aufnahmen steht dann der Fehler "Teilweise aufgenommen (56m) , Kein Empfang [11220]", mitten im Film fehlen Teile, da muss man erst mal drauf kommen.
Ich schaue in Bayern 86343 über Vodafone Kabel, der Fehler tritt auf seit GENAU der Senderumstellung Anfang November, es wurde ansonsten nichts verändert.
Erneute Sendersuche hat nichts gebracht, Signalstärke 67, Signalqualität 90, habe auch alle Anleitungen von Sky durchgeführt bis Festplatte rücksetzen.
Habe Sky jetzt gekündigt, so geht es ja nicht weiter. Die fühlen sich nicht schuldig, Vodafone wollen es sicher auch nicht sein (sind es aber aus meiner Sicht ganz sicher, siehe auch Beitrag oben), man kommt sich verschaukelt vor.
Könnt Ihr helfen?
DANKE für Eure Unterstützung.
am 27.12.2022 21:28
@Steve1860 schrieb:
Fehler tritt auf seit GENAU der Senderumstellung Anfang November, es wurde ansonsten nichts verändert.
Betreffs 522 Mhz auch nicht von Sky und/oder VF KD.
@WolfgangN schrieb ja im Sky Forum das beim live sehen kleine Bildstörung zu sehen waren. Normalerweise wird auch so mit aufgenommen, aber nicht so das dann mitten im Film was fehlt.
Sky selbst, würde ich auch ausschließen. VF, aber dann wohl nur sehr regional, von wo anders her gibt es da noch nichts zu lesen, mit einer Ausnahme.
Helfen hier im Forum, nein leider geht das nicht mehr, da müßt ihr euch selber kümmern. Und leider, das ist alles ander als einfach.
Ungünstig das du Sky gekündigt hast, sollte da was passieren, du hast den Sky Q nicht mehr, dann kannst du da auch keine Rückmeldung geben.
am 28.12.2022 10:26
Ich habe jetzt eine erste Antwort von Vodafone bekommen:
"es tut uns leid, dass Ihr Anschluss nicht fehlerfrei funktioniert. Wir haben Ihren Anschluss geprüft und festgestellt, dass netzseitig alles in Ordnung ist."
Ich versuche das jetzt mal weiter über das Kontaktformular zu klären (telefonisch wäre das vermutlich der Horror), ob da auch eine Langzeitmessung gemacht wurde.
Ich habe über die Feiertage auch nochmal eine genauere Langzeitmessung gemacht, da die Messung oben nur pro Minute Werte ermittelt. Diese hat nun eine Auflösung von einer Sekunde, somit werden auch Werte wie Bitfehlerhäufigkeit, Lock und SIgnal genauer erfasst.
Langzeitmessung mit 1s Auflösung
28.12.2022 16:55 - bearbeitet 28.12.2022 17:00
Heute abend soll ich von einem Techniker angerufen werden, der mit mir das Problem beheben will. Ich bin gespannt.
Ich habe jetzt mal noch parallel 30 Minuten den kompletten Transport Stream auf 522 und 530 Mhz analysieren lassen. Der Stream lief von 15:48-16:18, dabei habe ich drei Störungen (15:51, 16:03 u. 16:13) gemessen, wobei die erste über zwei Sekunden ging. Was sich dann auch in den unexpected Discontinuities bemerkbar macht. Diese sind auf allen Video/Audio Pids auf 522 Mhz zu finden, bei 530 Mhz, kein einziger Fehler.
=============================================================================== | TRANSPORT STREAM ANALYSIS REPORT | |=============================================================================| | Transport Stream Id: .......... 6 (0x0006) | Services: ............. 11 | | Bytes: .................... 11,445,488,128 | PID's: Total: ........ 105 | | TS packets: ................... 60,880,256 | Clear: ......... 87 | | With invalid sync: .................. 0 | Scrambled: ..... 18 | | With transport error: ............... 0 | With PCR's: ..... 7 | | Suspect and ignored: ................ 0 | Unreferenced: .. 25 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Transport stream bitrate, based on ....... 188 bytes/pkt 204 bytes/pkt | | User-specified: ................................... None None | | Estimated based on PCR's: ............... 50,870,456 b/s 55,199,857 b/s | | Selected reference bitrate: ............. 50,870,456 b/s 55,199,857 b/s | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Broadcast time: ................................ 1799 sec (29 min 59 sec) | | First TDT UTC time stamp: ........................... 2022/12/28 14:48:28 | | Last TDT UTC time stamp: ............................ 2022/12/28 15:18:23 | | First TOT local time stamp: ......................... 2022/12/28 15:48:28 | | Last TOT local time stamp: .......................... 2022/12/28 16:18:23 | | TOT country code: ................................................... DEU | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Srv Id Service Name Access Bitrate | | 0x0034 Spiegel Geschichte ........................... S 3,189,876 b/s | | 0x0076 Nat Geo Wild HD .............................. S 9,052,420 b/s | | 0x007B Warner TV Serie HD ........................... S 4,558,691 b/s | | 0x0081 Sky Sport Top Event HD ....................... S 7,986,808 b/s | | 0x0082 Discovery HD ................................. S 7,410,405 b/s | | 0x0083 Sky Cinema Premieren HD ...................... S 6,480,033 b/s | | 0x008E Sky Showcase HD .............................. S 5,248,021 b/s | | 0x010B Sky Sport Bundesliga 1 HD .................... C Unknown | | 0x010C Sky Sport 1 HD ............................... C Unknown | | 0x010D Sky Sport 10 HD .............................. C Unknown | | 0x010F Sky Sport Bundesliga 10 HD ................... C Unknown | | | | Note 1: C=Clear, S=Scrambled | | Note 2: Unless specified otherwise, bitrates are based on 188 bytes/pkt | =============================================================================== =============================================================================== | SERVICES ANALYSIS REPORT | |=============================================================================| | Global PID's | | TS packets: 7,919,835, PID's: 12 (clear: 12, scrambled: 0) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Global PID's ................................. C 6,617,673 b/s | | Subt. Global PSI/SI PID's (0x00-0x1F) .............. C 982,774 b/s | | 0x0000 PAT .......................................... C 7,997 b/s | | 0x0001 CAT .......................................... C 7,999 b/s | | 0x0010 NIT .......................................... C 16,418 b/s | | 0x0011 SDT/BAT ...................................... C 5,685 b/s | | 0x0012 EIT .......................................... C 943,753 b/s | | 0x0014 TDT/TOT ...................................... C 922 b/s | | 0x1500 Verimatrix EMM ............................... C 29,172 b/s | | 0x1505 Nagravision EMM .............................. C 29,172 b/s | | 0x1507 Nagravision EMM .............................. C 111,024 b/s | | 0x1509 NDS EMM ...................................... C 147,704 b/s | | 0x150B Nagravision EMM .............................. C 21,057 b/s | | 0x1FFF Stuffing ..................................... C 5,296,770 b/s | |=============================================================================| | Unreferenced PID's | | TS packets: 390,781, PID's: 25 (clear: 25, scrambled: 0) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Unreferenced PID's ........................... C 326,530 b/s | | 0x0C92 Unreferenced ................................. C 128,162 b/s | | 0x1941 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,631 b/s | | 0x1943 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,630 b/s | | 0x19B4 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,638 b/s | | 0x19B5 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,633 b/s | | 0x1A41 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,638 b/s | | 0x1A4C Unreferenced ................................. C 7,632 b/s | | 0x1AB4 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,641 b/s | | 0x1AB5 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,636 b/s | | 0x1B41 Unreferenced ................................. C 15,197 b/s | | 0x1B43 Unreferenced ................................. C 15,213 b/s | | 0x1BB4 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,638 b/s | | 0x1BB5 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,636 b/s | | 0x1C41 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,631 b/s | | 0x1C43 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,630 b/s | | 0x1CB4 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,640 b/s | | 0x1CB5 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,632 b/s | | 0x1D41 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,637 b/s | | 0x1D43 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,631 b/s | | 0x1DB4 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,638 b/s | | 0x1DB5 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,635 b/s | | 0x1E41 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,633 b/s | | 0x1E43 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,630 b/s | | 0x1EB4 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,638 b/s | | 0x1EB5 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,633 b/s | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x0034 (52), TS: 0x0006 (6), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Spiegel Geschichte, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x16 (Advanced codec SD digital television service) | | TS packets: 3,817,549, PID's: 9 (clear: 7, scrambled: 2) | | PMT PID: 0x0066 (102), PCR PID: 0x06FF (1791) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec SD digital television service . S 3,189,876 b/s | | 0x0066 PMT .......................................... C 7,999 b/s | | 0x06FF AVC video .................................... S 2,922,460 b/s | | 0x0700 MPEG-1 Audio (deu, clean effects) ............ S 206,048 b/s | | 0x1968 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,634 b/s | | 0x1A68 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,629 b/s | | 0x1B68 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 15,218 b/s | | 0x1C68 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,631 b/s | | 0x1D68 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,629 b/s | | 0x1E68 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,628 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x0076 (118), TS: 0x0006 (6), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Nat Geo Wild HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 10,833,668, PID's: 10 (clear: 7, scrambled: 3) | | PMT PID: 0x0065 (101), PCR PID: 0x05FF (1535) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . S 9,052,420 b/s | | 0x0065 PMT .......................................... C 7,999 b/s | | 0x05FF AVC video .................................... S 8,169,824 b/s | | 0x0603 AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) .............. S 410,590 b/s | | 0x0604 AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) .............. S 410,590 b/s | | 0x1998 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,641 b/s | | 0x1A98 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,639 b/s | | 0x1B98 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 15,227 b/s | | 0x1C98 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,637 b/s | | 0x1D98 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,637 b/s | | 0x1E98 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,636 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x007B (123), TS: 0x0006 (6), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Warner TV Serie HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 5,455,707, PID's: 10 (clear: 7, scrambled: 3) | | PMT PID: 0x0060 (96), PCR PID: 0x00FF (255) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . S 4,558,691 b/s | | 0x0060 PMT .......................................... C 7,997 b/s | | 0x00FF AVC video .................................... S 3,665,630 b/s | | 0x0103 AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) .............. S 421,118 b/s | | 0x0104 AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) .............. S 410,591 b/s | | 0x1917 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,627 b/s | | 0x1A17 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,630 b/s | | 0x1B17 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 15,208 b/s | | 0x1C17 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,627 b/s | | 0x1D17 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,631 b/s | | 0x1E17 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,632 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x0081 (129), TS: 0x0006 (6), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Sky Sport Top Event HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 9,558,375, PID's: 11 (clear: 8, scrambled: 3) | | PMT PID: 0x0062 (98), PCR PID: 0x02FF (767) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . S 7,986,808 b/s | | 0x0020 Teletext (deu, Initial Teletext page, Additio C 75,198 b/s | | 0x0062 PMT .......................................... C 7,998 b/s | | 0x02FF AVC video .................................... S 7,226,106 b/s | | 0x0302 AC-3 Audio (qae, clean effects) .............. S 410,592 b/s | | 0x0304 AC-3 Audio (qaf, clean effects) .............. S 213,568 b/s | | 0x19BA Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,630 b/s | | 0x1ABA NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,631 b/s | | 0x1BBA Nagravision ECM .............................. C 15,198 b/s | | 0x1CBA Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,628 b/s | | 0x1DBA NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,629 b/s | | 0x1EBA NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,629 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x0082 (130), TS: 0x0006 (6), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Discovery HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 8,868,553, PID's: 10 (clear: 7, scrambled: 3) | | PMT PID: 0x0063 (99), PCR PID: 0x03FF (1023) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . S 7,410,405 b/s | | 0x0063 PMT .......................................... C 7,997 b/s | | 0x03FF AVC video .................................... S 6,724,881 b/s | | 0x0403 AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) .............. S 410,590 b/s | | 0x0404 AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) .............. S 213,566 b/s | | 0x19BC Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,633 b/s | | 0x1ABC NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,628 b/s | | 0x1BBC Nagravision ECM .............................. C 15,221 b/s | | 0x1CBC Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,632 b/s | | 0x1DBC NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,629 b/s | | 0x1EBC NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,626 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x0083 (131), TS: 0x0006 (6), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Sky Cinema Premieren HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 7,755,112, PID's: 9 (clear: 7, scrambled: 2) | | PMT PID: 0x0064 (100), PCR PID: 0x04FF (1279) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . S 6,480,033 b/s | | 0x0064 PMT .......................................... C 7,999 b/s | | 0x04FF AVC video .................................... S 6,008,050 b/s | | 0x0503 AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) .............. S 410,591 b/s | | 0x19B6 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,634 b/s | | 0x1AB6 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,634 b/s | | 0x1BB6 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 15,225 b/s | | 0x1CB6 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,632 b/s | | 0x1DB6 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,635 b/s | | 0x1EB6 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,634 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x008E (142), TS: 0x0006 (6), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Sky Showcase HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 6,280,676, PID's: 9 (clear: 7, scrambled: 2) | | PMT PID: 0x0061 (97), PCR PID: 0x01FF (511) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . S 5,248,021 b/s | | 0x0061 PMT .......................................... C 7,997 b/s | | 0x01FF AVC video .................................... S 4,783,636 b/s | | 0x0203 AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) .............. S 410,592 b/s | | 0x19B3 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,632 b/s | | 0x1AB3 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,632 b/s | | 0x1BB3 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,633 b/s | | 0x1CB3 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,632 b/s | | 0x1DB3 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,632 b/s | | 0x1EB3 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,634 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x010B (267), TS: 0x0006 (6), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Sky Sport Bundesliga 1 HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 0, PID's: 0 (clear: 0, scrambled: 0) | | PMT PID: Unknown in PAT, PCR PID: None | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . C 0 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x010C (268), TS: 0x0006 (6), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Sky Sport 1 HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 0, PID's: 0 (clear: 0, scrambled: 0) | | PMT PID: Unknown in PAT, PCR PID: None | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . C 0 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x010D (269), TS: 0x0006 (6), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Sky Sport 10 HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 0, PID's: 0 (clear: 0, scrambled: 0) | | PMT PID: Unknown in PAT, PCR PID: None | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . C 0 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x010F (271), TS: 0x0006 (6), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Sky Sport Bundesliga 10 HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 0, PID's: 0 (clear: 0, scrambled: 0) | | PMT PID: Unknown in PAT, PCR PID: None | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . C 0 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | =============================================================================== =============================================================================== | PIDS ANALYSIS REPORT | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0000 (0) PAT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,997 b/s Packets: ......... 9,571 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,571 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0001 (1) CAT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,999 b/s Packets: ......... 9,573 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,573 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0010 (16) NIT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 16,418 b/s Packets: ........ 19,648 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 4,136 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0011 (17) SDT/BAT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 5,685 b/s Packets: ......... 6,804 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 2,630 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0012 (18) EIT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 943,753 b/s Packets: ..... 1,129,456 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 4 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: . 459,143 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0014 (20) TDT/TOT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ....... 922 b/s Packets: ......... 1,103 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 1,103 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0020 (32) Teletext (deu) | | PES stream id: 0xBD (Private stream 1) | | Initial Teletext page | | Additional information page | | Service: 0x0081 (129) Sky Sport Top Event HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 75,198 b/s Packets: ........ 89,995 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 3 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 44,998 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0060 (96) PMT | | Service: 0x007B (123) Warner TV Serie HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,997 b/s Packets: ......... 9,571 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,571 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0061 (97) PMT | | Service: 0x008E (142) Sky Showcase HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,997 b/s Packets: ......... 9,571 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,571 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0062 (98) PMT | | Service: 0x0081 (129) Sky Sport Top Event HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,998 b/s Packets: ......... 9,572 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,572 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0063 (99) PMT | | Service: 0x0082 (130) Discovery HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,997 b/s Packets: ......... 9,571 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,571 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0064 (100) PMT | | Service: 0x0083 (131) Sky Cinema Premieren HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,999 b/s Packets: ......... 9,573 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,573 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0065 (101) PMT | | Service: 0x0076 (118) Nat Geo Wild HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,999 b/s Packets: ......... 9,573 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,573 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0066 (102) PMT | | Service: 0x0034 (52) Spiegel Geschichte | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,999 b/s Packets: ......... 9,573 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,573 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x00FF (255) AVC video | | Service: 0x007B (123) Warner TV Serie HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 3,665,630 b/s Packets: ..... 4,386,918 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ...... 249,466 Unexpect: ......... 4 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ............ 60,499 Packets: ..... 45,081 | | TSrate: . 50,870,662 b/s Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0103 (259) AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) | | Service: 0x007B (123) Warner TV Serie HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 421,118 b/s Packets: ....... 503,981 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 35,278 Unexpect: ......... 4 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 18,750 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0104 (260) AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) | | Service: 0x007B (123) Warner TV Serie HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 410,591 b/s Packets: ....... 491,383 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 25,329 Unexpect: ......... 4 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ...... 8,035 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x01FF (511) AVC video | | Service: 0x008E (142) Sky Showcase HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 4,783,636 b/s Packets: ..... 5,724,914 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ...... 252,215 Unexpect: ......... 2 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 1 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ............ 60,696 Packets: ..... 45,001 | | TSrate: . 50,870,004 b/s Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0203 (515) AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) | | Service: 0x008E (142) Sky Showcase HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 410,592 b/s Packets: ....... 491,384 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 25,326 Unexpect: ......... 4 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ...... 8,035 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x02FF (767) AVC video | | Service: 0x0081 (129) Sky Sport Top Event HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 7,226,106 b/s Packets: ..... 8,647,990 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ...... 304,849 Unexpect: ......... 4 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ............ 60,623 Packets: ..... 66,903 | | TSrate: . 50,870,544 b/s Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0302 (770) AC-3 Audio (qae, clean effects) | | Service: 0x0081 (129) Sky Sport Top Event HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 410,592 b/s Packets: ....... 491,384 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 25,330 Unexpect: ......... 4 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ...... 8,036 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0304 (772) AC-3 Audio (qaf, clean effects) | | Service: 0x0081 (129) Sky Sport Top Event HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 213,568 b/s Packets: ....... 255,592 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 22,562 Unexpect: ......... 4 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ...... 8,035 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x03FF (1023) AVC video | | Service: 0x0082 (130) Discovery HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 6,724,881 b/s Packets: ..... 8,048,139 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ...... 362,082 Unexpect: ......... 4 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ............ 60,864 Packets: ..... 45,700 | | TSrate: . 50,870,624 b/s Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0403 (1027) AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) | | Service: 0x0082 (130) Discovery HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 410,590 b/s Packets: ....... 491,382 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 25,325 Unexpect: ......... 4 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ...... 8,034 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0404 (1028) AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) | | Service: 0x0082 (130) Discovery HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 213,566 b/s Packets: ....... 255,590 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 22,565 Unexpect: ......... 4 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ...... 8,036 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x04FF (1279) AVC video | | Service: 0x0083 (131) Sky Cinema Premieren HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 6,008,050 b/s Packets: ..... 7,190,256 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ...... 266,332 Unexpect: ......... 4 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ............ 60,745 Packets: ..... 44,989 | | TSrate: . 50,870,579 b/s Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0503 (1283) AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) | | Service: 0x0083 (131) Sky Cinema Premieren HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 410,591 b/s Packets: ....... 491,383 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 25,330 Unexpect: ......... 4 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ...... 8,036 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x05FF (1535) AVC video | | Service: 0x0076 (118) Nat Geo Wild HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 8,169,824 b/s Packets: ..... 9,777,404 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ...... 393,039 Unexpect: ......... 3 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ............ 60,931 Packets: ..... 68,490 | | TSrate: . 50,870,201 b/s Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0603 (1539) AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) | | Service: 0x0076 (118) Nat Geo Wild HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 410,590 b/s Packets: ....... 491,382 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 25,328 Unexpect: ......... 4 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ...... 8,034 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0604 (1540) AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) | | Service: 0x0076 (118) Nat Geo Wild HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 410,590 b/s Packets: ....... 491,382 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 25,327 Unexpect: ......... 4 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ...... 8,034 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x06FF (1791) AVC video | | Service: 0x0034 (52) Spiegel Geschichte | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 2,922,460 b/s Packets: ..... 3,497,514 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ...... 376,057 Unexpect: ......... 4 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ............ 60,469 Packets: ..... 45,188 | | TSrate: . 50,870,581 b/s Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0700 (1792) MPEG-1 Audio (deu, clean effects) | | Service: 0x0034 (52) Spiegel Geschichte | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 206,048 b/s Packets: ....... 246,592 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ........ 4,888 Unexpect: ......... 3 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 74,996 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0C92 (3218) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 128,162 b/s Packets: ....... 153,380 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 2 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: . 127,141 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1500 (5376) Verimatrix EMM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 29,172 b/s Packets: ........ 34,912 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: .. 34,912 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1505 (5381) Nagravision EMM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 29,172 b/s Packets: ........ 34,912 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: .. 34,912 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1507 (5383) Nagravision EMM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 111,024 b/s Packets: ....... 132,870 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: . 132,870 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1509 (5385) NDS EMM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 147,704 b/s Packets: ....... 176,768 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 3 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: . 176,768 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x150B (5387) Nagravision EMM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 21,057 b/s Packets: ........ 25,200 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ...... 97 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1917 (6423) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x007B (123) Warner TV Serie HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,627 b/s Packets: ......... 9,128 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,128 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1941 (6465) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,631 b/s Packets: ......... 9,132 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,132 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1943 (6467) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,630 b/s Packets: ......... 9,131 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,131 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1968 (6504) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0034 (52) Spiegel Geschichte | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,634 b/s Packets: ......... 9,136 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,136 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1998 (6552) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0076 (118) Nat Geo Wild HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,641 b/s Packets: ......... 9,144 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,144 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x19B3 (6579) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x008E (142) Sky Showcase HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,632 b/s Packets: ......... 9,134 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,134 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x19B4 (6580) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,638 b/s Packets: ......... 9,141 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,141 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x19B5 (6581) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,633 b/s Packets: ......... 9,135 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,135 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x19B6 (6582) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0083 (131) Sky Cinema Premieren HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,634 b/s Packets: ......... 9,136 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,136 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x19BA (6586) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0081 (129) Sky Sport Top Event HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,630 b/s Packets: ......... 9,131 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,131 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x19BC (6588) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0082 (130) Discovery HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,633 b/s Packets: ......... 9,135 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,135 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1A17 (6679) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x007B (123) Warner TV Serie HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,630 b/s Packets: ......... 9,131 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,131 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1A41 (6721) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,638 b/s Packets: ......... 9,141 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,141 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1A4C (6732) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,632 b/s Packets: ......... 9,134 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,134 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1A68 (6760) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0034 (52) Spiegel Geschichte | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,629 b/s Packets: ......... 9,130 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,130 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1A98 (6808) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0076 (118) Nat Geo Wild HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,639 b/s Packets: ......... 9,142 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,142 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1AB3 (6835) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x008E (142) Sky Showcase HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,632 b/s Packets: ......... 9,134 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,134 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1AB4 (6836) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,641 b/s Packets: ......... 9,144 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,144 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1AB5 (6837) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,636 b/s Packets: ......... 9,138 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,138 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1AB6 (6838) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0083 (131) Sky Cinema Premieren HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,634 b/s Packets: ......... 9,136 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,136 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1ABA (6842) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0081 (129) Sky Sport Top Event HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,631 b/s Packets: ......... 9,133 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,133 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1ABC (6844) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0082 (130) Discovery HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,628 b/s Packets: ......... 9,129 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,129 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1B17 (6935) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x007B (123) Warner TV Serie HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,208 b/s Packets: ........ 18,201 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,100 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1B41 (6977) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,197 b/s Packets: ........ 18,187 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 2 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,094 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1B43 (6979) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,213 b/s Packets: ........ 18,207 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,103 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1B68 (7016) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0034 (52) Spiegel Geschichte | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,218 b/s Packets: ........ 18,213 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,107 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1B98 (7064) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0076 (118) Nat Geo Wild HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,227 b/s Packets: ........ 18,223 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,111 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1BB3 (7091) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x008E (142) Sky Showcase HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,633 b/s Packets: ......... 9,135 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,135 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1BB4 (7092) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,638 b/s Packets: ......... 9,141 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,141 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1BB5 (7093) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,636 b/s Packets: ......... 9,138 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,138 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1BB6 (7094) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0083 (131) Sky Cinema Premieren HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,225 b/s Packets: ........ 18,221 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,111 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1BBA (7098) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0081 (129) Sky Sport Top Event HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,198 b/s Packets: ........ 18,189 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,095 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1BBC (7100) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0082 (130) Discovery HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,221 b/s Packets: ........ 18,216 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 2 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,108 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1C17 (7191) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x007B (123) Warner TV Serie HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,627 b/s Packets: ......... 9,128 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,128 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1C41 (7233) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,631 b/s Packets: ......... 9,132 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,132 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1C43 (7235) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,630 b/s Packets: ......... 9,131 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,131 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1C68 (7272) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0034 (52) Spiegel Geschichte | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,631 b/s Packets: ......... 9,132 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,132 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1C98 (7320) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0076 (118) Nat Geo Wild HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,637 b/s Packets: ......... 9,140 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,140 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1CB3 (7347) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x008E (142) Sky Showcase HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,632 b/s Packets: ......... 9,134 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,134 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1CB4 (7348) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,640 b/s Packets: ......... 9,143 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,143 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1CB5 (7349) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,632 b/s Packets: ......... 9,134 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,134 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1CB6 (7350) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0083 (131) Sky Cinema Premieren HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,632 b/s Packets: ......... 9,134 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,134 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1CBA (7354) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0081 (129) Sky Sport Top Event HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,628 b/s Packets: ......... 9,129 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,129 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1CBC (7356) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0082 (130) Discovery HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,632 b/s Packets: ......... 9,134 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,134 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1D17 (7447) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x007B (123) Warner TV Serie HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,631 b/s Packets: ......... 9,132 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,132 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1D41 (7489) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,637 b/s Packets: ......... 9,140 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,140 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1D43 (7491) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,631 b/s Packets: ......... 9,132 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,132 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1D68 (7528) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0034 (52) Spiegel Geschichte | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,629 b/s Packets: ......... 9,130 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,130 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1D98 (7576) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0076 (118) Nat Geo Wild HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,637 b/s Packets: ......... 9,140 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,140 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1DB3 (7603) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x008E (142) Sky Showcase HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,632 b/s Packets: ......... 9,134 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,134 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1DB4 (7604) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,638 b/s Packets: ......... 9,141 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,141 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1DB5 (7605) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,635 b/s Packets: ......... 9,137 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,137 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1DB6 (7606) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0083 (131) Sky Cinema Premieren HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,635 b/s Packets: ......... 9,137 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,137 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1DBA (7610) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0081 (129) Sky Sport Top Event HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,629 b/s Packets: ......... 9,130 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,130 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1DBC (7612) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0082 (130) Discovery HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,629 b/s Packets: ......... 9,130 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,130 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1E17 (7703) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x007B (123) Warner TV Serie HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,632 b/s Packets: ......... 9,134 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,134 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1E41 (7745) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,633 b/s Packets: ......... 9,135 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,135 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1E43 (7747) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,630 b/s Packets: ......... 9,131 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,131 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1E68 (7784) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0034 (52) Spiegel Geschichte | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,628 b/s Packets: ......... 9,129 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,129 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1E98 (7832) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0076 (118) Nat Geo Wild HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,636 b/s Packets: ......... 9,138 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,138 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1EB3 (7859) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x008E (142) Sky Showcase HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,634 b/s Packets: ......... 9,136 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,136 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1EB4 (7860) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,638 b/s Packets: ......... 9,141 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,141 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1EB5 (7861) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,633 b/s Packets: ......... 9,135 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,135 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1EB6 (7862) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0083 (131) Sky Cinema Premieren HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,634 b/s Packets: ......... 9,136 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,136 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1EBA (7866) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0081 (129) Sky Sport Top Event HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,629 b/s Packets: ......... 9,130 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,130 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1EBC (7868) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0082 (130) Discovery HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,626 b/s Packets: ......... 9,127 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 1 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,127 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1FFF (8191) Stuffing | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 5,296,770 b/s Packets: ..... 6,339,018 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ....... 0 | ===============================================================================
=============================================================================== | TRANSPORT STREAM ANALYSIS REPORT | |=============================================================================| | Transport Stream Id: ......... 13 (0x000D) | Services: .............. 9 | | Bytes: .................... 11,445,945,344 | PID's: Total: ......... 96 | | TS packets: ................... 60,882,688 | Clear: ......... 75 | | With invalid sync: .................. 0 | Scrambled: ..... 21 | | With transport error: ............... 0 | With PCR's: ..... 7 | | Suspect and ignored: ................ 0 | Unreferenced: .. 13 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Transport stream bitrate, based on ....... 188 bytes/pkt 204 bytes/pkt | | User-specified: ................................... None None | | Estimated based on PCR's: ............... 50,870,536 b/s 55,199,943 b/s | | Selected reference bitrate: ............. 50,870,536 b/s 55,199,943 b/s | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Broadcast time: ................................. 1800 sec (30 min 0 sec) | | First TDT UTC time stamp: ........................... 2022/12/28 14:48:28 | | Last TDT UTC time stamp: ............................ 2022/12/28 15:18:23 | | First TOT local time stamp: ......................... 2022/12/28 15:48:28 | | Last TOT local time stamp: .......................... 2022/12/28 16:18:23 | | TOT country code: ................................................... DEU | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Srv Id Service Name Access Bitrate | | 0x006B Sky Cinema Best Of HD ........................ S 5,875,745 b/s | | 0x006E Sky Atlantic HD .............................. S 5,396,367 b/s | | 0x006F Sky Cinema Jurassic HD ....................... S 6,404,740 b/s | | 0x0070 NatGeo HD .................................... S 6,357,046 b/s | | 0x0072 Sky Sport Tennis HD .......................... S 7,696,957 b/s | | 0x0074 Sky Cinema Action HD ......................... S 6,904,327 b/s | | 0x0093 Sky One HD ................................... S 6,412,415 b/s | | 0x0115 Sky Sport Bundesliga 2 HD .................... C Unknown | | 0x0116 Sky Sport 2 HD ............................... C Unknown | | | | Note 1: C=Clear, S=Scrambled | | Note 2: Unless specified otherwise, bitrates are based on 188 bytes/pkt | =============================================================================== =============================================================================== | SERVICES ANALYSIS REPORT | |=============================================================================| | Global PID's | | TS packets: 6,687,738, PID's: 12 (clear: 12, scrambled: 0) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Global PID's ................................. C 5,587,940 b/s | | Subt. Global PSI/SI PID's (0x00-0x1F) .............. C 921,579 b/s | | 0x0000 PAT .......................................... C 7,998 b/s | | 0x0001 CAT .......................................... C 7,998 b/s | | 0x0010 NIT .......................................... C 16,417 b/s | | 0x0011 SDT/BAT ...................................... C 5,007 b/s | | 0x0012 EIT .......................................... C 883,237 b/s | | 0x0014 TDT/TOT ...................................... C 922 b/s | | 0x1500 Verimatrix EMM ............................... C 29,171 b/s | | 0x1505 Nagravision EMM .............................. C 29,171 b/s | | 0x1507 Nagravision EMM .............................. C 111,022 b/s | | 0x1509 NDS EMM ...................................... C 147,708 b/s | | 0x150B Nagravision EMM .............................. C 21,056 b/s | | 0x1FFF Stuffing ..................................... C 4,328,234 b/s | |=============================================================================| | Unreferenced PID's | | TS packets: 281,252, PID's: 13 (clear: 13, scrambled: 0) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Unreferenced PID's ........................... C 235,000 b/s | | 0x0C92 Unreferenced ................................. C 128,159 b/s | | 0x1945 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,639 b/s | | 0x1947 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,639 b/s | | 0x1A45 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,638 b/s | | 0x1A47 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,640 b/s | | 0x1B45 Unreferenced ................................. C 15,219 b/s | | 0x1B47 Unreferenced ................................. C 15,230 b/s | | 0x1C45 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,639 b/s | | 0x1C47 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,641 b/s | | 0x1D45 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,639 b/s | | 0x1D47 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,639 b/s | | 0x1E45 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,640 b/s | | 0x1E47 Unreferenced ................................. C 7,637 b/s | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x006B (107), TS: 0x000D (13), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Sky Cinema Best Of HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 7,032,187, PID's: 10 (clear: 7, scrambled: 3) | | PMT PID: 0x0065 (101), PCR PID: 0x05FF (1535) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . S 5,875,745 b/s | | 0x0065 PMT .......................................... C 7,998 b/s | | 0x05FF AVC video .................................... S 5,222,222 b/s | | 0x0603 AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) .............. S 394,798 b/s | | 0x0604 AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) .............. S 197,402 b/s | | 0x190B Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,629 b/s | | 0x1A0B NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,624 b/s | | 0x1B0B Nagravision ECM .............................. C 15,201 b/s | | 0x1C0B Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,627 b/s | | 0x1D0B NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,624 b/s | | 0x1E0B NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,621 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x006E (110), TS: 0x000D (13), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Sky Atlantic HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 6,458,460, PID's: 10 (clear: 7, scrambled: 3) | | PMT PID: 0x0064 (100), PCR PID: 0x04FF (1279) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . S 5,396,367 b/s | | 0x0064 PMT .......................................... C 7,998 b/s | | 0x04FF AVC video .................................... S 4,742,810 b/s | | 0x0503 AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) .............. S 394,799 b/s | | 0x0504 AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) .............. S 197,400 b/s | | 0x190E Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,631 b/s | | 0x1A0E NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,633 b/s | | 0x1B0E Nagravision ECM .............................. C 15,205 b/s | | 0x1C0E Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,631 b/s | | 0x1D0E NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,630 b/s | | 0x1E0E NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,629 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x006F (111), TS: 0x000D (13), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Sky Cinema Jurassic HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 7,665,297, PID's: 10 (clear: 7, scrambled: 3) | | PMT PID: 0x0060 (96), PCR PID: 0x00FF (255) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . S 6,404,740 b/s | | 0x0060 PMT .......................................... C 7,998 b/s | | 0x00FF AVC video .................................... S 5,751,190 b/s | | 0x0103 AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) .............. S 394,797 b/s | | 0x0104 AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) .............. S 197,402 b/s | | 0x1903 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,630 b/s | | 0x1A03 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,628 b/s | | 0x1B03 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 15,209 b/s | | 0x1C03 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,632 b/s | | 0x1D03 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,628 b/s | | 0x1E03 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,626 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x0070 (112), TS: 0x000D (13), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: NatGeo HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 7,608,216, PID's: 10 (clear: 7, scrambled: 3) | | PMT PID: 0x0061 (97), PCR PID: 0x01FF (511) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . S 6,357,046 b/s | | 0x0061 PMT .......................................... C 7,999 b/s | | 0x01FF AVC video .................................... S 5,506,023 b/s | | 0x0203 AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) .............. S 394,797 b/s | | 0x0204 AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) .............. S 394,802 b/s | | 0x1905 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,642 b/s | | 0x1A05 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,636 b/s | | 0x1B05 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 15,235 b/s | | 0x1C05 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,639 b/s | | 0x1D05 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,637 b/s | | 0x1E05 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,636 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x0072 (114), TS: 0x000D (13), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Sky Sport Tennis HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 9,211,844, PID's: 11 (clear: 8, scrambled: 3) | | PMT PID: 0x0063 (99), PCR PID: 0x03FF (1023) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . S 7,696,957 b/s | | 0x0020 Teletext (deu, Initial Teletext page, Additio C 75,200 b/s | | 0x0063 PMT .......................................... C 7,999 b/s | | 0x03FF AVC video .................................... S 6,968,191 b/s | | 0x0402 AC-3 Audio (qae, clean effects) .............. S 394,797 b/s | | 0x0404 AC-3 Audio (qaf, clean effects) .............. S 197,402 b/s | | 0x1901 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,634 b/s | | 0x1A01 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,630 b/s | | 0x1B01 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 15,212 b/s | | 0x1C01 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,631 b/s | | 0x1D01 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,630 b/s | | 0x1E01 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,630 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x0074 (116), TS: 0x000D (13), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Sky Cinema Action HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 8,263,211, PID's: 10 (clear: 7, scrambled: 3) | | PMT PID: 0x0062 (98), PCR PID: 0x02FF (767) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . S 6,904,327 b/s | | 0x0062 PMT .......................................... C 7,998 b/s | | 0x02FF AVC video .................................... S 6,250,805 b/s | | 0x0303 AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) .............. S 394,800 b/s | | 0x0304 AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) .............. S 197,399 b/s | | 0x1911 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,626 b/s | | 0x1A11 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,620 b/s | | 0x1B11 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 15,208 b/s | | 0x1C11 Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,627 b/s | | 0x1D11 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,622 b/s | | 0x1E11 NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,623 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x0093 (147), TS: 0x000D (13), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Sky One HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 7,674,483, PID's: 10 (clear: 7, scrambled: 3) | | PMT PID: 0x0066 (102), PCR PID: 0x06FF (1791) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . S 6,412,415 b/s | | 0x0066 PMT .......................................... C 7,999 b/s | | 0x06FF AVC video .................................... S 5,758,795 b/s | | 0x0703 AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) .............. S 394,802 b/s | | 0x0704 AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) .............. S 197,399 b/s | | 0x198A Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,639 b/s | | 0x1A8A NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,637 b/s | | 0x1B8A Nagravision ECM .............................. C 15,234 b/s | | 0x1C8A Nagravision ECM .............................. C 7,638 b/s | | 0x1D8A NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,636 b/s | | 0x1E8A NDS ECM ...................................... C 7,638 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x0115 (277), TS: 0x000D (13), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Sky Sport Bundesliga 2 HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 0, PID's: 0 (clear: 0, scrambled: 0) | | PMT PID: Unknown in PAT, PCR PID: None | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . C 0 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x0116 (278), TS: 0x000D (13), Original Netw: 0x0085 (133) | | Service name: Sky Sport 2 HD, provider: SKY | | Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) | | TS packets: 0, PID's: 0 (clear: 0, scrambled: 0) | | PMT PID: Unknown in PAT, PCR PID: None | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Advanced codec HD digital television service . C 0 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | =============================================================================== =============================================================================== | PIDS ANALYSIS REPORT | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0000 (0) PAT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,998 b/s Packets: ......... 9,572 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,572 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0001 (1) CAT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,998 b/s Packets: ......... 9,572 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,572 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0010 (16) NIT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 16,417 b/s Packets: ........ 19,648 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 4,136 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0011 (17) SDT/BAT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 5,007 b/s Packets: ......... 5,992 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 2,632 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0012 (18) EIT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 883,237 b/s Packets: ..... 1,057,073 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: . 458,963 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0014 (20) TDT/TOT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ....... 922 b/s Packets: ......... 1,104 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 1,104 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0020 (32) Teletext (deu) | | PES stream id: 0xBD (Private stream 1) | | Initial Teletext page | | Additional information page | | Service: 0x0072 (114) Sky Sport Tennis HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 75,200 b/s Packets: ........ 90,000 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 45,000 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0060 (96) PMT | | Service: 0x006F (111) Sky Cinema Jurassic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,998 b/s Packets: ......... 9,572 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,572 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0061 (97) PMT | | Service: 0x0070 (112) NatGeo HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,999 b/s Packets: ......... 9,573 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,573 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0062 (98) PMT | | Service: 0x0074 (116) Sky Cinema Action HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,998 b/s Packets: ......... 9,572 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,572 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0063 (99) PMT | | Service: 0x0072 (114) Sky Sport Tennis HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,999 b/s Packets: ......... 9,573 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,573 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0064 (100) PMT | | Service: 0x006E (110) Sky Atlantic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,998 b/s Packets: ......... 9,572 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,572 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0065 (101) PMT | | Service: 0x006B (107) Sky Cinema Best Of HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,998 b/s Packets: ......... 9,572 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,572 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0066 (102) PMT | | Service: 0x0093 (147) Sky One HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,999 b/s Packets: ......... 9,573 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,573 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x00FF (255) AVC video | | Service: 0x006F (111) Sky Cinema Jurassic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 5,751,190 b/s Packets: ..... 6,883,118 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ...... 142,096 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ............ 52,820 Packets: ..... 90,001 | | TSrate: . 50,870,549 b/s Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0103 (259) AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) | | Service: 0x006F (111) Sky Cinema Jurassic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 394,797 b/s Packets: ....... 472,500 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 11,250 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ..... 10 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 11,250 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0104 (260) AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) | | Service: 0x006F (111) Sky Cinema Jurassic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 197,402 b/s Packets: ....... 236,254 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 11,251 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ..... 10 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 11,251 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x01FF (511) AVC video | | Service: 0x0070 (112) NatGeo HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 5,506,023 b/s Packets: ..... 6,589,698 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ...... 142,019 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ............ 52,731 Packets: ..... 90,005 | | TSrate: . 50,870,517 b/s Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0203 (515) AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) | | Service: 0x0070 (112) NatGeo HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 394,797 b/s Packets: ....... 472,500 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 11,250 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ..... 10 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 11,250 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0204 (516) AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) | | Service: 0x0070 (112) NatGeo HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 394,802 b/s Packets: ....... 472,505 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 11,250 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ..... 10 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 11,250 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x02FF (767) AVC video | | Service: 0x0074 (116) Sky Cinema Action HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 6,250,805 b/s Packets: ..... 7,481,065 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ...... 142,188 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ............ 52,804 Packets: ..... 89,997 | | TSrate: . 50,870,533 b/s Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0303 (771) AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) | | Service: 0x0074 (116) Sky Cinema Action HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 394,800 b/s Packets: ....... 472,503 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 11,250 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ..... 10 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 11,250 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0304 (772) AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) | | Service: 0x0074 (116) Sky Cinema Action HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 197,399 b/s Packets: ....... 236,250 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 11,250 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ..... 10 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 11,250 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x03FF (1023) AVC video | | Service: 0x0072 (114) Sky Sport Tennis HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 6,968,191 b/s Packets: ..... 8,339,645 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ...... 142,258 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ............ 52,818 Packets: ..... 90,021 | | TSrate: . 50,870,524 b/s Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0402 (1026) AC-3 Audio (qae, clean effects) | | Service: 0x0072 (114) Sky Sport Tennis HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 394,797 b/s Packets: ....... 472,500 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 11,250 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ..... 10 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 11,250 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0404 (1028) AC-3 Audio (qaf, clean effects) | | Service: 0x0072 (114) Sky Sport Tennis HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 197,402 b/s Packets: ....... 236,254 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 11,250 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ..... 10 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 11,250 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x04FF (1279) AVC video | | Service: 0x006E (110) Sky Atlantic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 4,742,810 b/s Packets: ..... 5,676,273 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ...... 141,854 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ............ 52,741 Packets: ..... 89,992 | | TSrate: . 50,870,525 b/s Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0503 (1283) AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) | | Service: 0x006E (110) Sky Atlantic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 394,799 b/s Packets: ....... 472,502 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 11,250 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ..... 10 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 11,250 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0504 (1284) AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) | | Service: 0x006E (110) Sky Atlantic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 197,400 b/s Packets: ....... 236,252 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 11,250 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ..... 10 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 11,250 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x05FF (1535) AVC video | | Service: 0x006B (107) Sky Cinema Best Of HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 5,222,222 b/s Packets: ..... 6,250,040 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ...... 141,901 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ............ 52,696 Packets: ..... 89,990 | | TSrate: . 50,870,530 b/s Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0603 (1539) AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) | | Service: 0x006B (107) Sky Cinema Best Of HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 394,798 b/s Packets: ....... 472,501 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 11,250 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ..... 10 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 11,250 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0604 (1540) AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) | | Service: 0x006B (107) Sky Cinema Best Of HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 197,402 b/s Packets: ....... 236,254 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 11,250 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ..... 10 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 11,250 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x06FF (1791) AVC video | | Service: 0x0093 (147) Sky One HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 5,758,795 b/s Packets: ..... 6,892,220 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ...... 142,009 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ...... 0 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ............ 52,682 Packets: ..... 89,991 | | TSrate: . 50,870,571 b/s Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0703 (1795) AC-3 Audio (deu, clean effects) | | Service: 0x0093 (147) Sky One HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 394,802 b/s Packets: ....... 472,505 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 11,250 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ..... 10 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 11,250 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0704 (1796) AC-3 Audio (eng, clean effects) | | Service: 0x0093 (147) Sky One HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 197,399 b/s Packets: ....... 236,250 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: ...... Scrambled Adapt.F.: ....... 11,250 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Crypto-Per: ..... 10 sec Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Inv.scramb.: ......... 0 PCR: ................. 0 Packets: ..... 11,250 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0C92 (3218) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 128,159 b/s Packets: ....... 153,383 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: . 127,143 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1500 (5376) Verimatrix EMM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 29,171 b/s Packets: ........ 34,912 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: .. 34,912 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1505 (5381) Nagravision EMM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 29,171 b/s Packets: ........ 34,912 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: .. 34,912 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1507 (5383) Nagravision EMM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 111,022 b/s Packets: ....... 132,873 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: . 132,873 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1509 (5385) NDS EMM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 147,708 b/s Packets: ....... 176,779 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: . 176,779 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x150B (5387) Nagravision EMM | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 21,056 b/s Packets: ........ 25,200 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ...... 97 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1901 (6401) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0072 (114) Sky Sport Tennis HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,634 b/s Packets: ......... 9,137 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,137 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1903 (6403) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x006F (111) Sky Cinema Jurassic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,630 b/s Packets: ......... 9,132 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,132 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1905 (6405) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0070 (112) NatGeo HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,642 b/s Packets: ......... 9,146 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,146 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x190B (6411) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x006B (107) Sky Cinema Best Of HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,629 b/s Packets: ......... 9,130 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,130 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x190E (6414) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x006E (110) Sky Atlantic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,631 b/s Packets: ......... 9,133 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,133 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1911 (6417) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0074 (116) Sky Cinema Action HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,626 b/s Packets: ......... 9,127 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,127 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1945 (6469) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,639 b/s Packets: ......... 9,143 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,143 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1947 (6471) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,639 b/s Packets: ......... 9,143 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,143 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x198A (6538) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0093 (147) Sky One HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,639 b/s Packets: ......... 9,142 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,142 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1A01 (6657) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0072 (114) Sky Sport Tennis HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,630 b/s Packets: ......... 9,132 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,132 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1A03 (6659) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x006F (111) Sky Cinema Jurassic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,628 b/s Packets: ......... 9,129 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,129 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1A05 (6661) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0070 (112) NatGeo HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,636 b/s Packets: ......... 9,139 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,139 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1A0B (6667) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x006B (107) Sky Cinema Best Of HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,624 b/s Packets: ......... 9,124 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,124 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1A0E (6670) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x006E (110) Sky Atlantic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,633 b/s Packets: ......... 9,135 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,135 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1A11 (6673) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0074 (116) Sky Cinema Action HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,620 b/s Packets: ......... 9,120 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,120 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1A45 (6725) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,638 b/s Packets: ......... 9,141 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,141 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1A47 (6727) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,640 b/s Packets: ......... 9,144 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,144 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1A8A (6794) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0093 (147) Sky One HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,637 b/s Packets: ......... 9,140 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,140 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1B01 (6913) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0072 (114) Sky Sport Tennis HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,212 b/s Packets: ........ 18,206 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,103 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1B03 (6915) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x006F (111) Sky Cinema Jurassic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,209 b/s Packets: ........ 18,202 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,101 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1B05 (6917) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0070 (112) NatGeo HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,235 b/s Packets: ........ 18,234 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,117 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1B0B (6923) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x006B (107) Sky Cinema Best Of HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,201 b/s Packets: ........ 18,193 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,096 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1B0E (6926) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x006E (110) Sky Atlantic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,205 b/s Packets: ........ 18,198 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,099 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1B11 (6929) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0074 (116) Sky Cinema Action HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,208 b/s Packets: ........ 18,201 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,100 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1B45 (6981) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,219 b/s Packets: ........ 18,214 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,107 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1B47 (6983) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,230 b/s Packets: ........ 18,227 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,113 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1B8A (7050) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0093 (147) Sky One HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 15,234 b/s Packets: ........ 18,232 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,116 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1C01 (7169) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0072 (114) Sky Sport Tennis HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,631 b/s Packets: ......... 9,133 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,133 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1C03 (7171) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x006F (111) Sky Cinema Jurassic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,632 b/s Packets: ......... 9,134 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,134 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1C05 (7173) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0070 (112) NatGeo HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,639 b/s Packets: ......... 9,142 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,142 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1C0B (7179) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x006B (107) Sky Cinema Best Of HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,627 b/s Packets: ......... 9,128 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,128 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1C0E (7182) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x006E (110) Sky Atlantic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,631 b/s Packets: ......... 9,133 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,133 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1C11 (7185) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0074 (116) Sky Cinema Action HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,627 b/s Packets: ......... 9,128 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,128 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1C45 (7237) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,639 b/s Packets: ......... 9,143 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,143 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1C47 (7239) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,641 b/s Packets: ......... 9,145 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,145 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1C8A (7306) Nagravision ECM | | Service: 0x0093 (147) Sky One HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,638 b/s Packets: ......... 9,141 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,141 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1D01 (7425) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0072 (114) Sky Sport Tennis HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,630 b/s Packets: ......... 9,132 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,132 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1D03 (7427) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x006F (111) Sky Cinema Jurassic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,628 b/s Packets: ......... 9,129 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,129 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1D05 (7429) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0070 (112) NatGeo HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,637 b/s Packets: ......... 9,140 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,140 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1D0B (7435) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x006B (107) Sky Cinema Best Of HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,624 b/s Packets: ......... 9,124 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,124 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1D0E (7438) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x006E (110) Sky Atlantic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,630 b/s Packets: ......... 9,132 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,132 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1D11 (7441) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0074 (116) Sky Cinema Action HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,622 b/s Packets: ......... 9,122 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,122 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1D45 (7493) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,639 b/s Packets: ......... 9,142 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,142 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1D47 (7495) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,639 b/s Packets: ......... 9,143 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,143 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1D8A (7562) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0093 (147) Sky One HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,636 b/s Packets: ......... 9,139 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,139 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1E01 (7681) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0072 (114) Sky Sport Tennis HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,630 b/s Packets: ......... 9,132 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,132 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1E03 (7683) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x006F (111) Sky Cinema Jurassic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,626 b/s Packets: ......... 9,127 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,127 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1E05 (7685) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0070 (112) NatGeo HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,636 b/s Packets: ......... 9,139 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,139 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1E0B (7691) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x006B (107) Sky Cinema Best Of HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,621 b/s Packets: ......... 9,121 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,121 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1E0E (7694) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x006E (110) Sky Atlantic HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,629 b/s Packets: ......... 9,130 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,130 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1E11 (7697) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0074 (116) Sky Cinema Action HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,623 b/s Packets: ......... 9,123 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,123 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1E45 (7749) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,640 b/s Packets: ......... 9,144 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,144 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1E47 (7751) Unreferenced | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unreferenced PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,637 b/s Packets: ......... 9,140 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,140 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1E8A (7818) NDS ECM | | Service: 0x0093 (147) Sky One HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,638 b/s Packets: ......... 9,141 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ... 9,141 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1FFF (8191) Stuffing | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 4,328,234 b/s Packets: ..... 5,180,101 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | PCR: ................. 0 Unit start: ....... 0 | ===============================================================================
Die Graphen dazu:
am 28.12.2022 21:58
@WolfgangN: Danke dir.
Das es Probleme beim Empfang auf 522 Mhz in Augsburg gibt, ich denk das ist unstritttig. Warum da nun der Sky Q "verrückt" spielt, das scheint wohl ne andere Geschichte zu sein?
Aber, ich hoffe das der Rückruf kommt, du da was klären kannst. Auch in der Hoffnung für euch das sich damit die Geschichte mit dem aufnehmen durch den Sky Q erledigt?
am 29.12.2022 10:10
Danke für Eure Bemühungen!