TG3442DE all LED blinking

Hello, sorry to write in English, my German is not good.

I just got my Cable Internet with TG3442DE router.

The router connected to the internet for a minute (Internet LED was white) and then suddenly all LEDs start blinking (from top to bottom and then bottom to top).

It's been like this for a few hours, I tried restart and factory reset, but nothing changed.

I turned off the device for an hour, still nothing changed!

What should I do?


There is gif file attached that shows the blinking.

4 Antworten 4

Hi Hessam,


we will prove the connection. Please send me your name, address, day of birth and customer number by PN. Please also let me know here if you have sent the message.


Kind regards


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Hello Marco, thank you for your support.

I sent you a private message.


I found out what was happening.

The router was stuck mid update and when it connected again to the Internet, it finished the update and got back to operation.

How did you manage to get updated? I got the same problem...