Super slow upload speed.

My internet is behaving very oddly - It is super slow. Then I did a test using the speed test app vodafone has, and virtually there is no upload speed at all:


WhatsApp Image 2024-06-21 at 00.59.00.jpeg


I have restarted my router (fritz box 6600) - nothing changed. Reshuffle the cables to fix any bad connection - no change.

I have even restored the factory configurations of the router - nothing changed.


I dont know what else to do. I waited in the phone for a long time today, and gave up.

Someone here, can please help me?

1 Antwort 1

post all channels out of the Fritzbox Internet ---> Cable Info --->> Channels


make a Screenshot from all channels, no Screem from Handy, make a Photo from PC


Der glubb is a Depp