am 16.02.2022 20:41
am 21.02.2022 10:00
Hello ChrisB3,
welcome to the community 🙂
I'm sorry that you can't get through to the hotline. We will be happy to take a look at your connection and the problem. Please send us the customer number, name incl. address and date of birth of the contract holder via private message.
Write here briefly when the data has been sent. Currently it takes a few days until we are back in the post 😞
Best regards Fred
am 21.02.2022 12:14
Hi Fred,
The info has been sent!
am 23.02.2022 19:25
Hi @ChrisB3,
well, thanks for the data. I checked the connection, we got like you already know a path fault on your line, my colleagues are ready to fix that, but they cant actually because offers had to be made and parts ordered. Sorry for the late response 😕
am 13.03.2022 21:44
Hi @Tobias,
The fault checker no longer says there are no issues on my line but still, most evenings between 18:00-22:00 my internet is unusable. Ping between 100-200 and both download and upload speeds reduced by 50%. When streaming on a single device, the video buffers every 2 minutes. It's frustrating to not be able to get full use of my internet during these times for almost 6 weeks now.
Is there still work to be completed in the area, or is there some other issue on the line?
am 15.03.2022 07:29
well it looks like its fixed, yesterday was something faulty in the line but now it should work. How do you test it? Wifi or lan? 🙂