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Hello, I have a problem with the cable internet. It is basically not working for one month. I tried everything that was suggested. I called millions of hotlines and nothing helped. I even changed the internet speed. Basically, the internet works for only 5 min per few hours. I contacted your customer service and I was told it's some made-up problem with "mega cable" internet changed for better for 3 days after the contract was changed and now its again not working. I really feel like it's all a scam. It is unacceptable. I need to work from home and as I said for MONTH it is impossible. Of course, I am really angry at this point. Please come up with some sort of solution as soon as possible. Thank you. My Kundenummer:***.
Edit: @MateuszSz deleted your customer number.
am 25.01.2022 20:12
Hi @MateuszSz,
I can gladly take a look at the connection. Can you send me your customer data (customer number, name, address and date of birth of the contract holder) via private message?
Then please let me know in the post when you have sent me the data.
am 27.01.2022 14:32
Hello, I sent u all data u needed. It is really annoying especially that Vodafone is not providing any backup internet it is really outrageous you should at least send some mobile router to provide internet when the Internet that we are all paying for is not working. I didn't even get any message that the internet will be not working, what kind of customer service is that. It is all really disrespectful. Right now there is some internet for 2 days. But I can't rely on that it will not break next hour.
Thank you for your help.
am 27.01.2022 14:37
am 29.01.2022 10:10
Hello i would really apprecieate some help or answear. The internet is not working again
am 29.01.2022 20:05
Hallo MateuszSz,
I am very sorry that your connection is affected by a return path interference.
Our technicians are on their way with measuring devices to isolate the interference signal and correct the fault. I apologise that this is taking so long, there are always problems with access to the individual house systems. I will send you another PN.
Many greetings
am 29.01.2022 22:58
Ok but when they will be here? Do I need to be at home? @Jana478
am 30.01.2022 12:38
@Jana478hello nothing changed still no internet. Strongly thinking about changing the provider at this point. Those technicians were already there?
am 02.02.2022 08:06
Hello MateuszSz,
you don't have to be at home for the localisation of the return path disrupter. The colleagues keep checking different house installations today. The disrupter isn't very strong at the moment and your modem is online with a good signal, can you still only use the Internet for five minutes per hour? What happens in the other 55 minutes, do you get an error message? Are both Wifi and the ethernet connection affected?
Kind regards,
am 03.02.2022 23:22
@Claudia Usually then there is no internet then at all and the modem light blinks. The last 2-3 days were fine. Bult last week it was the same and on Saturday it stopped until Monday.