Intermittent disruption of Cable Internet



Since 05.08.2021 I have had intermittent interruptions on the internet service that have worsened on the last few days. At first the interruptions would happen mostly in the afternoon, still during working hours, disrupting home office. The disruption interval varied a lot, lasting from 30 minutes up to a few hours.

Yesterday (18.08.2021) the disruption started around noon and the connection didn't return to normal (I could only check until midnight).

This morning it was working/not working in intervals of 5 to 10 minutes, impossible to be used and completely hindered my ability to work.


I have been checking interruption announcements and also overall messages informing of disruptions and I waited patiently for a solution, but even with the message yesterday that services would come back to normal after 18:00, nothing happened and it got worse. Now, when checking the assistent, the following is presented:

There is a so-called return path disruption at your connection, which can restrict your Internet and telephone connection. If necessary, please let our technician check your connection. We will fix the problem as soon as possible. Many Thanks. There is currently no time to rectify the fault.

Affected by the disorder:Impairment or failure of several services


With that being the current state, I face the need to actively contact service support for a proper fix, I cannot continue with a connection in this state where I can no longer work properly.


General information:


  • In which state do you live? Please also send the zip code
    • Berlin 10825
  • Which contract do you have? (e.g. internet + telephone 100)
    • Red Internet & Phone 1000 Cable
  • Which modem / router do you use? (e.g. Hitron)
    • Vodafone Station TG3442DE
      Firmware version: AR01.02.068.13_052421_711.PC20.10
      Hardware Type & Version: 7
  • Do you use a loaner device from us or do you have your own device ?
    • Loan
  • What is the error (Speed ​​too low; packet loss) Send screenshots of speed tests (with date and time) and tracer / ping plotter measurements in the event of packet loss or ping problems
    • Mainly described above. Additional information:
      • Most of the time, even with a proper IP assigned to the modem, the DNS stops responding and nothing makes it work again (restarting the modem, factory reset, cables were checked, the diagnostics tool was used to check multiple times, different DNS servers tried). Also, during speed tests, the upload speed was greatly decreased.
    • Screenshots:
      • speedtest-results-2021-08-19-121244.png
      • DNS-test02-2021-08-19-121128.png
      • Traceroute Result

        traceroute to 30hops max. 38 byte packets
        1: ( 21ms
        2: ( 19ms
        3: ( 31ms
        4: ( 15ms
        5: ( 16ms
        6: ( 42ms
        7: *
        8: ( 23ms
        9: ( 23ms
        10: ( 27ms
        11: ( 33ms
        12: ( 46ms
        13: ( 26ms
        14: ( 22ms
        15: ( 22ms
        16: ( 22ms

  • How is your terminal with the modem connected ? ( LAN; WLAN; additional router; PowerLAN )
    • Both LAN and WLAN of the Vodafone Station
  • Which browser do you usually use? (e.g. Firefox)
    • Chrome - Version 92.0.4515.131 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • Which operating system do you have on your computer? (e.g. Windows)
    • Windows 10 Pro
  • Start and period of the disturbance  (e.g. since the beginning of April; only in the evening)
    • Since 05.08.2021, still happening
  • Upload a screenshot of the signal values . You can find this in the user interface of your cable router via or via on the Fritzbox.
    • signal-values-192-168-0-1-2021-08-19-12_13_14.png
  • Which measures were carried out by the fault hotline (available at 0800-5266625)?
    • The fault hotline has not been contacted.


9 Antworten 9

Hi Forkz,


if there is a return path disruption active, there is nothing we can do to acclerate the fix Smiley (traurig)


Kind regards


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Hi @pRo-Marco,


Today, again, with several hours of complete internet disruption (5+ hours), making it impossible to carry on with work.

Are there no options to at least mitigate the issue? The most concerning part here is that the issue is known and no feedback or commitment has been given to when it would be fixed.




Hi Forkz,


let me check the ticket. Please send me your name, address, day of birth and customer number by PN. Please also let me know here if you have sent the message.


Kind regards


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Hi @pRo-Marco,


Message sent.




Hi Forkz,


thank you for your data. The colleagues are currently actively working on the interference suppression. Some components have already been checked and replaced. Unfortunately, the modulation of the upstreams is still not correct and the line often breaks down. I cannot yet give a prognosis as to when this will be resolved. Do you have a Vodafone SIM on which we can book data volume to bridge the gap?


Kind regards



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Hi @pRo-Marco,


Thank you for the information.

Unfortunately I don't have a Vodafone mobile plan, is there another option?




Hello Forkz,

unfortunately we have no other option there. The technicians are still working on the interference suppression so that the interference signal can be eliminated.

We will be happy to issue you a credit note once the fault has been rectified.

Best regards, Martin

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Hi @pRo-Marco,


I have been waiting for a resolution for some time, so I would like to share what has happened so far:

23-25.08 -> Slow but stable
26-28.08 -> Most of the time with disconnections or no connection at atll
29-30.08 -> No connection/no DNS response

31.08 - 01.09 -> Usable, but sluggish most of the time

02.09 -> Stable so far, but hard to be sure

Today it would complete 4 weeks of connection disruptions, are there any updates on the matter?




Hi Forkz,


the ticket was closed on 01.09.2021. According to the closing, the glitch was fixed during the day. You also write that it has been running stably since then. Please observe this a little longer and then give us feedback.


Kind regards


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