




I'm having the "Rückwegstörung" issue since Saturday

Hi Vodas, how are you doing?


Sorry for writing to you using plain English, my German skills are not sharpen yet.

Since Saturday (mid-day) I'm suffering with "Rückwegstörung" all the time. Inconstant internet connection, poor download/upload speed, awful ping's times.

I already turn off/on my router uncountless times. Unplugged the cable from the wall. When using NetzAssistent, it only says I've "Rückwegstörung" and Vodafone is aware of it. You and me know it isn't necessarily trye, right?!

Soooo, yesterday I called hotline, and basically it was the same. I kept on the line, waiting a human assist on the matter, but no one pick the call up.


I'll answer the Storung questionnaire in the next message, so stay tuned.

5 Antworten 5
  • In welchem Bundesland wohnst Du? Sende bitte auch die Postleitzahl
    • Berlin - 13439
  • Welchen Vertrag hast Du? (z.B. Internet + Telefon 100)
    • CableMax 1000
  • Welches Modem/ Router nutzt Du? (z.B. Hitron)
    • Vodafone Station - cga4233de
  • Nutzt Du ein Leih-Gerät von uns oder hast Du ein eigenes Gerät?
    • Leih-Gerät
  • Welcher Fehler tritt auf? (Geschwindigkeit zu gering; Packetloss) Schicke dazu auch Screenshots von Speedtests (mit Datum und Uhrzeit) und Tracerts/ Pingplotter-Messungen bei Packetloss oder Ping-Problemen
    • Internet and telephone connection completely disrupted (in the meantime mostly only Internet), use not possible. When trying to use and e.g. speed test extremely slow connection establishment, from time to time data comes through and then breaks off again.
  • Wie ist Dein Endgerät mit dem Modem verbunden? (LAN; WLAN; zusätzlicher Router; PowerLAN)
    • Both LAN and WLAN
  • Welchen Browser verwendest Du normalerweise? (z.B. Firefox)
    • All main browsers e.g Chrome, Firfox, Edge, Safari
  • Welches Betriebssystem hast Du auf Deinem Rechner? (z.B. Windows)
    • Both MacOS and Windows
  • Beginn und Zeitraum der Störung (z.B: seit Anfang April; nur am Abend)
    • All the time since Saturday mid-day
  • Lade dazu noch einen Screenshot von den Signalwerten hoch. Diese findest Du in der Benutzeroberfläche Deines Kabelrouters über bzw. über bei der Fritzbox.
    •  Attached as PDF
  • Welche Maßnahmen wurden durch die Störungshotline (erreichbar unter 0800-5266625 für Vodafone Kabel Deutschland bzw. 0221/46619100 für Vodafone West) durchgeführt?
    • Hotline only asked about turn off/on the router and said our neighborhood was having an issue of internet connection, but we need a technician to fix it, since a "Rückwegstörung" is a physical problem with the cable.

Some feedback, Vodas?

I see I've a kabel-technik.de Storungticket (***) but I don't how it's going...


Community team: Removed ticket number


Hello AndreLehmann,


usually a return path disrupter doesn't affect the download speed. I would like to check your access. Please send me a PM with your details (name, address, customer number, date of birth of the contract holder) and send a speedtest you made via ethernet here in this thread afterwards.


Kind regards,


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Hallo Claudia,

I've sent to you a PM with all requested data. I hope we can find a solution for it asap. (=


Hi @AndreLehmann,


we cant check it for now, we need the zipcode from you 😉





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