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10969 Berlin: Hurray, xxxx connection is back since yesterday (13.08.2021)

Dear Vodafone DE,

I am pleased to let you know that, again and again, you are doing your best to make my life and work as miserable as the service (internet connection and more) that you provide to me.

However, I have to be honest since there is something at which you excel: you are REALLY good at sucking money from my bank account every month!

I kindly ask you to keep up with the xxxx service!

Have a nice weekend since mine will be terrible due to the lack of competence, trust, and respect from your side.


Kind regards,



Edit: Edit: Post adjusted / Martin59

10 Antworten 10

And the terrible service continues...


Hello dt7,


I have just edited your fecal language.


You can use this gladly sin your acquaintance - or family circle, but not here in the forum.


It is certainly also quite helpful if you would tell more about the current disorder, if you want help.


Best regards, Martin

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Dear Martin,


Firstly, I kindly ask you to clarify who is the author of the message that you sent to me -- if it is you or Vodafone DE, or both.


Secondly, as it seems, you or Vodafone DE decided to lecturer me. Despite not being a professor of linguistics nor philosophy and contrary to one of my principles -- neither you nor Vodafone DE is one of my Computer Science students --, upon your or Vodafone DE message I am forced to lecturer you or Vodafone DE. In my previous message, "5hitty" is an adjective of the "connection" that Vodafone DE provides to me, subject to a monthly fee. In your or Vodafone DE message, "fecal" is an adjective of the "language". Thus, we are even (i.e., both sides used an adjective)! Moreover, "5hitty" and "fecal" do relate to excrement(s). Again, we are even! However, you or Vodafone DE decided to lecturer me and accused me of using improper language and, while doing that, you or Vodafone DE used the same type of language. I do not know and I do not care how smart you or Vodafone DE is, but any ordinary human being, as any ordinary company, spots the paradox.


Thirdly, yes, there are times in which metaphors are allowed and are not considered disrespectful, including the ones that do use what you or Vodafone DE seem to label as improper language.


Fourthly, I always treated you and Vodafone DE with respect and I do NOT remember to bring your family or the BIG family of Vodafone DE to the discussion/forum. That is more than impolite, that is way more than crossing the legal border. For the moment and until you clarify to me who is the real author of the message that I received yesterday, I rest my case here.


Finally, as a computer scientist, I find it hard that you or Vodafone DE do NOT know what the problem is -- just a clue: you called it "a glitch"... --, the same conclusion should be trivial to reach for an ordinary human being. That being said, you or Vodafone DE do NOT need to put that much effort to sort out the "glitch". Actually, I am searching for alternatives and I think that I already found one. As suggested by you in a previous message, I will put an end to the contract that I have with Vodafone DE. As an ordinary human being would conclude, this is a situation that I can NOT hold any longer. Therefore, against my will, I have no alternative but to end the contract -- I need a more reliable connection to be able to work from home, to communicate with my family in Portugal, with my friends, and much more, which Vodafone DE is NOT able to provide or find an alternative (say, put an LTE modem in my apartment as a temporary workaround).


Kind regards,





what message do you mean? Is it about the correspondence by mail?




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See above: 

Martin59 Moderator 15.08.2021 13:28

Hello dt7,


to take one thing in advance, I did not want to offend you or your family, but only to point out that this tone is not desired.


If this has arrived wrong, I apologize.


I can understand if you are annoyed by the disturbance and will gladly try to explain why the cause of the disturbance is so difficult to find.


Your connection is affected by a return path interferer. This interference signal is caused by a defective component or a defective terminal device.


The interference signal can only be limited and eliminated if:


- the interfering signal is permanently active

- the technicians have access to every object on the line where the interfering signal has been localized.


The line in question has already been found, but the technicians have not yet gained access to all the apartments / houses, which delays the processing.


Best regards, Martin


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Dear Martin,

It is a wise decision to do what you did.

However, I do not forget.

Later on, I will decide if I will sue or not Vodafone DE.

No matter what I will decide, I kindly ask you to NOT bring again my family to the discussion and leave in the air that we (as a family) use regularly improper language.

Wrt the technical issue, I think I made myself clear about being a Computer Scientist.

Thus, I know very well and I am aware of everything that you described in your message -  08/19/2021  11:15  AM.

Nevertheless, as a client of Vodafone DE - we are not talking about a small company but rather about a telecommunication giant - I was expecting to be treated with different respect and consideration, as well as getting an alternative solution.

We both know that I do not have to remind you that this situation goes on for roughly two months, and, before that, the connection was always far from what was expected.

By the way, as you and Vodafone DE probably know, I do not have a connection since last Friday.

Kind regards,


Hello dt7,


your modem is online and has a good signal, does the outage still persist? The return path disrupter is still active, there is no other technical solution we can offer you.




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Dear Claudia,


Yes, you are right, the connection is up.


Nevertheless, the bandwidth fluctuates a lot and, when I needed it most, it tends to be in its worst conditions.


Wrt an alternative solution, Vodafone DE could have installed a Giga Cube in my apartment until the issue gets solved -- that would have been the minimum.


As I already asked, I kindly ask you again to let me know:

 1. What do I have to do to end the contract with Vodafone DE immediately.

 2. What do I do to the router, its power supply, and the cables?


Kind regards,
