




Working from home, a week without internet and the costumer service doesn't help

I am afraid I'm not able to speak German. My fault. But during a week I have been calling the support service. When I ask then nicely if they can speak English they just cut the call. 

A German colleague helped me and they sent a technician from Telekom. He said that the line is fine. The problem is in Vodafone side. 

Calling again, and they said they would send a Vodafone technician... After the weekend. He arrived today. Again from Telekom. He checked the line. Line is fine. The problem is the access to internet in Vodafone servers. Calling again. They sent me some videos on how to reset the modem to the factory settings. The whole day trying... Still no connecting to Telekom. 

Tomorrow I will ask again my colleague to help me calling to Vodafone support service. 

What will they do?  Sending another technician from Telekom?

Vodafone is wasting my time and my work. 

Long weekend without internet? 

3 Antworten 3

This is a bad joke. After 1 week and 2 Telekom technicians who checked the line and said the problem is in Vodafone.... They are sending tomorrow another Telekom technician!!!!!! 

Does anyone know another company with a serious service support?

I'm going to leave this disaster of useless company as soon as I can 

I have exactly the same problem since 10.05. The technician was there today, line is fine. I connected a Fritz Box because the Vodafone router was set to factory settings and no longer connects at all. Fritz box says DSL available etc. but there is no internet connection. I'm curious how long this will go on. Which region are you from? I am from Bonn.

Finally they repaired it. Thanks to a German friend who called in my name, they sent on Friday a technician, not to my place, but to a box in the street and he changed something. Then, at the end of the day I tried it again with the modem back to factory settings and it worked this time. 

I'm in Bonn.