




Intermittent DSL connection drops during the day (multiple times & back to back)



I am a RED Internet 100 DSL subscriber. During the day I experience multiple back-to-back DSL drops that basically disrupt my work and this situation happens frequently. 


Here is what I did until now to remediate the issue

1. DSL Line settings change in favor of maximum stability, It didn't actually help, and of course, I lost my down/up speed. 

2. Logs extracted from the router to see what is really happening which reveals what is going on. 


During the day multiple times, I see the following recurring error logs

dsl not responding (no DSL synchronization) 
no automatic configuration or updates by the service provider possible for this device: Server responds with HTTP Status code 503.
ipv6 internet connection: Cound not retrieve AFTR from your internet provider. Reason 7 (got no AFTR)

It is clearly a problem with Vodafone as it hit 503s and can not find configuration for my DSL hence I lose my internet all the time. 


Please take a look at it and try to fix the issue. I can provide my customer number via DM.



4 Antworten 4

Hi @bdd ,


You are welcome to do a preliminary check via https://vod.af/Netz_Diagnose.

You can then request a callback and the colleagues will take a closer look at the connection. This is the fastest way. Alternatively, you can also ring through yourself. Our phone number is 0800 172 1212.


BR Michi

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I have done this, requested a call and get told I have already been called and need to call in. Then I just stay on the phone and never get through. And no one has ever called me so I don't know how I could have recieved a call before 


I don't think a preliminary check would help the situation and I never got proper support over the phone so please reach out to me so that I can share my customer number and other things for them to check the line. 


Hi @bdd ,


since August 15th, 2022 there is no more individual support here in the forum. Support in English is available via Facebook or Twitter.




BR Michi

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