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I have an issue since this afternoon, my connection doesn't work.
My router is a Fritzbox 7530, it is connected on the router but on my devices "no internet connection". I tried to reboot the router but nothing changed.
Could you check my line ?
I can give you my Kunden Nr.
Ich habe seit heute Nachmittag ein Problem, meine Verbindung funktioniert nicht.
Mein Router ist eine Fritzbox 7530, sie ist mit dem Router verbunden, aber auf meinen Geräten steht "keine Internetverbindung". Ich habe versucht, den Router neu zu starten, aber es hat sich nichts geändert.
Könnten Sie meine Leitung überprüfen?
Ich kann Ihnen meine Kunden Nr. geben.
Edit: @BrunOr Your contribution is now on the DSL board. Please do not post new ones on the same topic.
am 01.11.2021 22:32
You are in the wrong section.
You posted in section "cable" but your internet type is "DSL
am 02.11.2021 08:12
Sorry about that, I tried to post my request in the DSL section but it has been deleted.
Can you still help here or close this request so I can open another one in DSL section ?
I just need someone to test my line. I tried to call the customer support but nobody speak English. Best regards
am 02.11.2021 11:43
I have been to 3 store Vodafone this morning but nobody was able to help. Could you please check my line or something ?
best regards
am 02.11.2021 12:35
Hi BrunOr,
I'm sorry that your DSL connection doesn't work. Let's have a closer look at it. Please send me a private message with your customer number and customer password (alternatively name, addresse and birth date of the contract owner).
am 02.11.2021 13:27
It is working now, I tried to unplug the network cable in addition to the power cable.
I hope it last.
Anyway, sorry again for not speaking German properly, it's too bad Vodafone don't have a customer support in english for such a big cie.
Best regards
am 02.11.2021 14:36
Hi BrunOr,
nice to hear that it's working now. If there are problems again, just contact us here. We can help in English, too.