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Ecostrategic ltd charging my account



I noticed that I have smaller and smaller credit amount on my pre-paid card. I found that Ecostrategic ltd is charging my account with small amounts through a company called DIMOCO Payments Gmbh.

I have no idea about any of these companies or the service or product they are charging me. I don't remember signing up for anything.

I already wrote a complaint, but if anyone can help me out what is it and how can I stop them from this activity, I'd really appreciate it.



6 Antworten 6

Hello @tbuerger,


please contact our customer service via these contact channels.

My friends will help.


BR J0hann 

Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes!

Dear J0han,


Thanks, I'll do that.





The same happened to me now several times. How did you solve the problem and did you get back the amount.On my bill I just found:"Vodafone Mobiles Bezahlen (Brutto-Forderungen für Fremdleistungen) SMS Chat Einzelkauf 1,98 EUR; Anbieter: Ecostrategic Ltd., International , House, Barking Road 776-778, E13 9PJ London; (GB) - Kontakt: Tel. 08000068268. Hilfe und weitere Informationen unter und "  I am pretty sure that the charge lots of people. Thanx in advance!



To be honest I have not dealt with this yet in a proper way.

I changed a setting in the Vodefone app to disable all mobile payments. I have not had any charges since, but it's not a good solution. I'll try to go into a store in the next weeks or so and see what can be done about it.

Hi @tbuerger,


It's sounds like an unwanted subscription. That has to be cancelled by VF manually. Use the Callya WhatsApp/SMS Chat (between 7:30 - 22 p.m. daily)


You'll start with TOBi, the AI, but don't worry. After some common questions you answer, ask persistent to forward to a VF staff. You will ask twice or three time maybe till TOBi forward you to a staff. 👍

@tbuerger  schrieb:

I changed a setting in the Vodefone app to disable all mobile payments.

There is no other solution if you don't have any unwanted mobile payments from such companies that use (let's say) semi-legal methods of money gathering.


@tbuerger  schrieb:

I have not had any charges since, but it's not a good solution.

To be fair - this is the best solution as mobile payments on your phone bill are quite prone to such misuse.

If there is any good reason to use mobile payments, you usually also get the option to pay using credit card details -- which is a much better option as you are in full control on whom you pass which details to. Mobile payment instead just uses the information your mobile phone sends out automatically without your control (e.g. phone number) and does not require any kind of separate permission / acknowledgement from the user.


@tbuerger  schrieb:

I'll try to go into a store in the next weeks or so and see what can be done about it.

This is useless as the stores are just franchises. They don't have any possibility to look into your invoices or cancel any unwanted payments.