




number portability Zusatzkarte

I have Vodafone Red 2020 XS without smartphone + Red Internet & Phone 250 Cable

I have another sim card with another mobile operator, the sim card is in use to my wife, but contract is at my name, moreover I read in the contract Nächstmögliche Vertragsenede 31.12.2023 and also

Vertragslaufzeiten24 Monate Mindestvertragslaufzeit; Kündigungsfrist 1 Monat zum Ende der Mindestvertragslaufzeit; Wird der Vertrag nicht gekündigt, verlängert er sich automatisch und kann mit einer Frist von 1 Monat gekündigt werden.

Now it is much more than 2 years I have this contract for sim in use at my wife

Is it possible to have a Vodafone Zusatzkarte for my wife using the number portability so with same phone number she is using now?

Should I pay number portability to old mobile operator?

Should I wait end of Dicember


1 Antwort 1

If you want to get the contract that your wife uses (from a different operator but using your name) to Vodafone, then you have to order Vodafone to do so. This anyhow has nothing to do with the minimum term of your current main contract - anyhow, the additional card will have a minimum term of two years on its own.


And of course you still have to pay that contract to the other operator as long as it is running - if the minimum term has passed, it could be more advisable to wait until its end to switch from the other operator as you will have to pay that other contract at least until the end of the minimum term.