Vodafone has exhibited disgusting behavior for the last few months. I tried to cancel my contract way back in July. Despite requests over and over and over, Vodafone has ignored my requests. I am not able to cancel the contract via phone, because I moved away from Germany and no longer have a German number. You can't put an international number as a call back number. After trying to cancel so many times, I did eventually receive an email after submitting a help request, saying that "if I can't call, it's no problem, just reply to this email". Despite this, when I replied to the email explaining that I would like to terminate my contract, I received no response. I have sent probably 20-50 emails and not received a response from Vodafone. And they are still charging me! This is many months now after submitting the request to "cancel within 14 days".
In short, Vodafone makes it virtually impossible to cancel a contract, and there is no method to do so without apparently both speaking German and having a German phone number. I have blocked Vodafone from taking more money out of my bank account, and additionally threatened legal action against Vodafone.
Apparently Vodafone employs no customer care people. Why isn't there an actual person I can chat with online? The bot TOBi is totally useless, especially when you have an actual question, like "how do I terminate my contract without a German phone number". There is no place to actually get an email address to ask questions. How is it so difficult to find an email address of someone to address issues/questions?