- zuletzt bearbeitet am
Dear Vodafone,
In May 2020, I got the giga-cube contract by going to shop. Within 7 days after, I cancelled the contract returning hardware at the shop. I have confirmation copy of the contract cancellation as well.
But now its October end and still the contract is not got cancelled. Vodafone is continuously charging me for the same.
I went to the shop many times in this period but they always say, we will check the problem and call you back.
I even called customer care and they are saying go to the shop, which is not helping at all.
To this date, the contract is not canceled at all and I am getting charged for the same.
Could you please help me in getting this resolved?
My Customer number. ***
Edit: Customer number deleted and thread moved to right board. Lars
27.10.2020 18:45 - bearbeitet 27.10.2020 18:46
Hi Niraj,
I´m very sorry about that. 😞
Please send us a personal note with the number or the customer-ID of the GigaCube.
Kind regards
am 03.02.2021 14:13
Hello Heike,
I have sent you the details in a private message.
I will be glad if you do it on priority.
am 08.02.2021 13:40
Hallo Niraj,
I answered you today.
Sorry for the late reply 😞
Best regards
am 16.02.2021 14:06
Hello Heike
Returning a refund in part is not the answer.
I need a full refund.
am 18.02.2021 13:35
Hi Niraj,
I have already explained the reasons why I cannot reimburse you. Unfortunately, further inquiries here do not lead to any other result.
Best regards