Umzug England Mobilfunk kundigen

Dear all,

We are moving back to the UK for good in December and would like to cancel both our phone contracts. However, after a 24m contract, three weeks ago our contract was automatically extended for another year (until 08.12.2022). With the uncertainties about Brexit and the potential reintroduction of roaming charges next year we really do not want to be stuck to our german contracts until the end of 2022. Is there any way we can get a Sonderkundigung or a Kulanzregelung. I'm very sorry but my German is not good enough to discuss this over the phone so I hope this community can point me in the right direction.

Vielen Dank,


1 Antwort 1

Hi Karen,


so sorry you are leaving.

We surely will have a look for a "Kulanzregelung".


Please DM me including the numbers of both phone contracts + customer password (Kundenkennwort).


Thank you


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