




Two contracts running for past two years and wrong contract cancelled by Vodafone when requested
Hello  Vodafone team,
I need urgent help (in English as my Deutsch is not good) for my issue. 
I have recently realized that there are two DSL contract running in my name for the same address and I am being charged for both the contracts. I had vodafone DSL contract which got expired on 05.01.2021 and I took a new contract immediately which became active on 26.01.2021. I only realised recently that money for the older contract is still being deducted. I didn't noticed it earlier because the money for two contracts was deducted from two different bank accounts. Also my online portal only showed one contract therefore I never suspected any issue.
A week earlier I wrote to Vodafone about this issue and requested to cancel the older contract and refund the amount I paid in past 23 months for the older contract. Today I have received an email from vodafone stating the new contract is cancelled instead of old one. 
I am really confused here and urgently clarification: 
Can someone please let me know if atleast one of my contract wiill be active or not?
Will I get the refund for double charges from Vodafone?
I have not added details about the two contracts and my contact details. I really need urgent help and I am willing to provide any further details required.
4 Antworten 4

Did you actively cancel the old contract? Contracts don‘t just „run out“, if the customer doesn‘t cancel they renew automatically. If you didn‘t cancel (and have no proof that you did) chances for a refund are slim. Also the customer is responsible to check his transactions regularly.

For support in English is available via the Twitter/X or Facebook contacts listed here:



Hello Peter_Co,

Thanks for your reply,

I had actively canceled the contract. I had send a message to vodafone for which I had received below auto-reply:

I only have this email from vodafone which I have pasted below, My internet was disconnected exactly on the day when the contract expired. Therefore I had requested a new contract after the internet was disconnected.


This is the email from Vodafone: 

Subject: Ihre Anfrage an Vodafone: Produkt- & Vertragsdetails - Kündigung - Kündigung Vertrag

Sehr geehrte(r) Absender(in),

anbei erhalten Sie die Kopie Ihrer Anfrage an Vodafone für Ihre persönlichen Unterlagen.

Bitte antworten Sie nicht auf diese E-Mail, da sie automatisch versendet wurde. Wenn Sie diese Nachricht irrtümlich erhalten haben, bitten wir Sie diese zu löschen.

Freundliche Grüße

Ihr Vodafone-Team

Vodafone Kabel Deutschland
99116 Erfurt


Herr Chhetri Kd.-Nr.: 9XXXXXXXX

1 Kabel Digital
Vertragsnummer 9XXXXXXXX

2 Paket Internet/Phone
Vertragsnummer 9XXXXXXXX

In that case use the Twitter/X or Facebook contacts I linked for you in my first response. Here in the forum no individual support is available, it is a customer-to-customer forum only.


Thanks!, let me try to contact them on X or FB