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Premature termination mobilefunk due to scam

Can I prematurely cancel my contract as it is stated about the 14 days? The man in the store got me scammed as I asked for the cheapest one. And he gave me the most expensive one knowing that foreigners don't know anything about this. He also did this to my friend. Can I cancel my plan and complain about this? Will Vodafone accept that it was a mistake?


18 Antworten 18

Contracts signed in a store don't have a right for withdrawal. They are legally binding for the minimum contractual term!

How can I withdraw my contract? I cannot pay it any more because it’s very expensive. The man at the store told me he already cancel it also before 14days. Can any one help me here how to get out of Vodafone contract? What is the minimum contract also? I want to get out of Vodafone 


There is no right of withdrawal for contracts signed in a store!

The legally binding right of withdrawal does NOT apply for contracts made in a store!

How to stop it? How can i end my contract then? Does that mean i am stuck with Vodafone for 2 years?


You signed a contract with a minimum term for 24 months, so yes - you are bound to this contract!

But i called Vodafone and also asked with their online help that yes they can cancel the contract.  The man in the shop also told me he did cancel and told me that it will be cancelled after 1 week. Did he lie about that? He gave me a paper of cancellation 


He might cancel a contract - but there is no legally binding way to force a cancellation.

So if he does, it's only his goodwill, but there is no way to force this.

What does that mean? So did it cancel? I have a paper of cancellation which he print but I don’t know if it’s really means it is cancelled 


Read it - it should say to when the cancellation was requested...


Anyhow - if your German knowledge isn't that good, you should think of getting a translator on your own expenses...