am 15.01.2021 13:48 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 15.01.2021 15:36 von Mav1976
I ordered a phone and contract in the Black Friday Sale, the order was canceled however I had payments taken from my account. I would like a refund and for the payments to stop please.
A German colleague of mine called customer services for me over a week ago and they confirmed that the order had been canceled and that I would receive a refund, however I still haven't had it.
Please can someone look into this for me?
*** @Millief20, thread moved from feedback board to mobile board! ***
20.01.2021 13:13 - bearbeitet 20.01.2021 13:14
Hi @Millief20 ,
I am sorry that there are difficulties with your contract.
Did you withdraw from the contract or why was it terminated / canceled?
The best thing is to send me a private message with your customer data. Then I'll take a look and give you feedback.
Best regards