




Not possible to see all contracts in vodafone app.

Hello Vodafone community,

I have just started to use Vodafone and Vodafone app, however I had a problem with Vodafone app.
I have 2 SIM cards and 1 internet cable contract, however I can't see them in the list of my contract all together. When I login with my login and password I see only cable contract and when I try to add my SIM cards contract it tell me that it has been added already (because I have added it before). I tried to remove and add again my phone contract to my account but it didn't help and I see only cable contract so far. When I login with my SIM card I see only one contract and only for one SIM. without possibility to add others. 

How can I add other contracts to see all of them together in APP? 

1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

After writing this post I continued to investigate how it could be done and managed to fix it by myself. It's a bitty tricky and not possible to do it just with an app. I had to go to the personal account on Vodafone website and not only add my Phone contract but add each SIM card separately to it and only afterwards I now can see all other contracts.
It's not so obvious and easy to understand, why don't make it's simpler? I think it's more complicated experience compare to other providers.

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1 Antwort 1

After writing this post I continued to investigate how it could be done and managed to fix it by myself. It's a bitty tricky and not possible to do it just with an app. I had to go to the personal account on Vodafone website and not only add my Phone contract but add each SIM card separately to it and only afterwards I now can see all other contracts.
It's not so obvious and easy to understand, why don't make it's simpler? I think it's more complicated experience compare to other providers.