




Mobile and internet contract cancellation

I have done some extensive research before posting my questions here so bare with me please :). I see there are similar questions and marked as resolved. However, resolutions are not spelled out once the request is solved :).


1. I need to cancel my Internet contract. Where do I send the equipment? I have this "Rucksebdung" with DHL posting Vodafone gave me when they came to set up my Internet a year ago. Shall I just use it or Vodafone has to send me a posting?


2. I am moving abroad for sometime but I am not signing off from Germany, I would like to cancel my mobile contract, will I get penalised for canceling it early? I am not signing off with KVR so I won't have a confirmation that I am moving abroad. And how do I cancel my contract via mail? What's the address? What goes into a letter, contract id, phone number, reason of termination?


Thanks a ton!

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1. I de-registered at KVR, it only took me 2 hours 🙂

2. I sent this de-registration confirmation to cancel my Internet contract (contract is on my husband's name so let's see if it  will be accepted)

3.  I sent this de-registration confirmation to cancel my Mobile contract

4. Also got an email from Vodafone on the questions regarding "world-wide services". Here is their response:


"Thank you for your e-mail.

 Please excuse our late reply to your request. Due to an exceptionally high amount of e-mails, we are currently unable to reply as fast as you are accustomed to. I will gladly assist you with your inquiry. I have checked your data and found that you already have the EU-Roaming option, so you will be able to use your number freely when you are in Sicily and Greece.

As for Bali and the USA you will sure be able to use your Vodafone-Number, but you will get then extra high charges on your bill.
In the USA you can use the EasyTravel Day for 5,99 Euro or EasyTravel Week for 19,99 Euro per 7 days.

In Indonesia you can use the ReisePaket World Day for 7,99 Euro per Day.

All Vodafone mobile contracts have a minimum term of 24 months. The contract will be extended for another 12 months, if you do not cancel with a notice period of 3 months before the end of the contract. You have got a new mobile-phone on 22. May 2017. You should pay for the mobile-phone for 24 months. That's why you should continue to pay for the contract till 21. May 2019. We ask for your understanding.

We need your de-registration or any other document that proves that you are leaving Germany, in order to be able to cancel the contract earlier than usual, because normally we do not cancel contracts for any other reasons other than moving abroad to a country not from the EU-Countries."
Rant Smiley (fröhlich): This is very fascinating to me that if one decides not to extend a contract, one has to give a notice of 3 months before the contract end. This is mind blowing? Does Vodafone think I will remember to do such thing? And if I miss the window of 3 months they will extend my contract automatically??? This is insane. When I go about my life I don't think about these things, I need to set up some special reminder??? I also noticed it is a common practice with my other contracts in Germany. How is this allowed? I will post a warning somewhere on an expat blog to be careful with contracts in Germany, don't assume, when you leave you will just pay an early cancellation fee, you will pay for the whole length of the contract!!! And make sure to put all possible reminders to cancel your contract 3 months before it ends!!!
So I am not sure what the next steps are, if Vodafone will contact me and confirm that they have received my de-registration letter or not? Will post the outcome here hopefully soon.

Update: I got an email from Vodafone basically saying that they will not cancel my Mobile contract. I hope this is in response to my first letter I sent them without the de-registration. Also, what funny is they don't give me the reason why they cannot cancel the contract. For example, they don't say that we need you to send us de-registration letter. I am so frustrated.



Hi ialanskaia,


Giving 3 months' notice for a regular cancellation may sound more complicated than it is.


You can send in your cancellation any time.


If you had signed up for a 24 month service today, the 27th of July, 2018, it would be okay to send in the cancellation next month, so it would take effect in July 2020.


Any day for sending in your letter is fine, so long as it happens no later than 3 months before the end of the 24 months.


To check the current state of your affairs, feel free to message me.


Until then: Have a nice weekend. Smiley (fröhlich)




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Update: Got a new email from Vodafone now. Vodafone my confirmation from KVR, Vodafone does not want to terminate my contract early. Now I see, what my friend meant by a "death contracts" in Gemany. So I really do not understand why they needed a confirmation from KVR, what is the point ???


" Receipt of your termination of the contract with the customer number ___ to phone number ___, we have taken note. Sorry did you want to change. Of course, we respect your wish to terminate your contract. It ends in due time on 21 / 05/2019

You only want to receive your final invoice by post after this date. We only charge the base price pro rata. "

Update: I just got a phone call from Vodafone sales team. It looks like Vodafone is still not aware that I left Germany??? It seems that I got on their list  for "customers who cancelled contract to offer them a better deal". The sales guy told me I have to call a customer service to notify them that the reason I cancelled the contract is because I left Germany. I have been communicating with Vodafone via mail, email, on-line request form, phone, and they still don't have in their system the reason of me cancelling a contract.


Hi ialanskaia,


understandably, you don't want any more deal offers by the sales team.


If you send me a message, I'll take care of these calls.




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