am 20.05.2022 14:26
I'm only english speaking so contacting Vodafone customer support is not an option.
I have a Kabel contract along with Cellular Plan. However, I recently signed new contract and received new number, but I can't register it in MeinVodafoneApp or even through, whenever I try doing that I receive an error saying that service is currently unavialble try later. I've been trying to do that for a few days now.
How do I check how many GBs I have available? How can I get my invoices for the new number? And how do I register the new number under my account?
am 20.05.2022 16:42
You can simply open "" in your browser on your mobile phone while it is NOT connected to any WiFi.
am 21.05.2022 12:42
Hello MacKol,
Please try the following steps:
At first register your mobile number with your contractdata (Mobilfunkdaten). You will need your customer password (Kundenkennwort).
Than add to your new registered Mobil contract your kabelcontract ( - MeinVodafone - Vertrag/Rufnummer hinzufügen).
If you have problems, please describe exactly step by step, what happens.
Best regards.
am 23.05.2022 08:07
That's the problem, I can't register new contract under my "meinvodafone" as there is some error appearing at the end of the process and a message asking me to try again later. Anyway, below I'm listing the steps as you requested:
Attached is the error screenshot I receive every time I try.
am 23.05.2022 08:08
Thanks! When I open it on my mobile it says "Vodafone Live!" What does it mean?
am 24.05.2022 16:07
Hello MacKol,
Please send me a personel message with your phonenumber and your customer password and tell me your username, an the number you want to add.
Just as we have gained an overview of your data, we will contact you again.
Best regards,
am 24.05.2022 16:20
Hallo MacKol,
please try or
If no website is accessible, we have to talk about your phonesettings.
Best regards,