am 17.11.2022 13:49
I had my contract cancled via phone but am stil receiving misc charges and would like some help in clarifying how to get this corrected and my billigs refunded. I had called several helpdesk numbers but have had no luck getting any english speakers. This would be mostly for the gigacube refund which was canceled within the initail 30 day period.
am 17.11.2022 14:08
@kcw9 schrieb:
I had my contract cancled via phone
A cancellation cannot be done using a phone call - you must use any kind of text form (e.g. an email, contact form, button solution while logged in, postal mail, ...).
@kcw9 schrieb:
[...] and would like some help in clarifying how to get this corrected and my billigs refunded.
If you have no proof that your cancellation request has been received by Vodafone, there won't be any correction or refund possible - as it is up to you to provide this proof.
am 17.11.2022 15:10
I received a confirmation text however with a confirmantion number, and they said I should await a note from the post or email.