am 01.05.2023 17:21
Jedes mal wenn die einträge bei mir stehen hab ich disconnects. vodafone kann mir nicht weiterhelfen, ich hoffe eine fritzbox wird das problem lösen können?
17:14:42 [10000005]: UTOPIA: FIREWALL RESTART Firewall 05/01/2023 17:14:42 [10000005]: UTOPIA: FIREWALL START Firewall 05/01/2023 17:06:24 [10000005]: UTOPIA: FIREWALL IPv4 DISABLED Firewall 05/01/2023 17:06:24 [10000005]: UTOPIA: FIREWALL IPv6 DISABLED Firewall 05/01/2023 15:51:00 [10000001]: UTOPIA: FW.WAN2LAN DROP Firewall 05/01/2023 00:37:06 [10000005]: UTOPIA: FIREWALL IPv4 ENABLED Firewall 05/01/2023 00:37:06 [10000005]: UTOPIA: FIREWALL IPv6 ENABLED 05/01/2023 17:19:13 [88000101]: k2_SSID Device 76:0B:79:00:00:00 Associated to 5GHz. WLAN 05/01/2023 17:19:13 [88000101]: k2_SSID Device Associated.WG-MAC=76:0B:79:00:00:00;SSID="Vodafone-9AC4";On Channel=36. WLAN 05/01/2023 17:18:32 [88000101]: k1_SSID Device 76:0B:79:00:00:00 Associated to 2.4GHz. WLAN 05/01/2023 17:18:32 [88000101]: k1_SSID Device Associated.WG-MAC=76:0B:79:00:00:00;SSID="Vodafone-9AC4";On Channel=1.
am 03.05.2023 16:03
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