am 21.01.2022 11:38 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 21.01.2022 12:39 von Stephan
Hello Experts,
I have cancelled my contract last year and it must be over by 22-01-22. (Cancellation confirmation screenshot attached). However I am being charged from 22-01 till 31-01 which is not correct (bill screenshot attached).
Please do upadte the bill and refund the ammount as this contract is no more valid and I am already in process of sending the Router back.
EDIT: @Mahak311 attachment deleted due to privacy protection
am 21.01.2022 13:25
@Stephan Thanks for deleting the attachments.
I am bit worried that if this will not be resoved asap I will get another bill for Next month. Please suggest if any further action required from my side
am 24.01.2022 17:14
Hi Mahak311,
ssually the invoices are created for a full running month.
If a cancellation takes effect before the end of the month, the fees will be refunded from the cancellation date.
But the termination itself was clearly confirmed to 22 January 2022?