am 14.07.2022 17:40
Some time in late 2021 a salesman from Vodafone was in my building and talked me into signing a contract with Vodafone. He told me that I would be paying for my old internet provider until my contract with them ran out and would then pay for Vodafone. I didn't want my landline number carried over because I don't have or use a landline phone. He also told me that Vodafone would contact my old mobile provider and carry my mobile number over and my contract with them would end, since I was getting service from Vodafone through Debitel already. He also told me that I would be getting a TV package deal which I can later cancel (I didn't have a TV and don't need one). All I would have to do, he said, was send back the TV "giga box" equipment I received.
In March 2022 I noticed that I was, since the start of the year, paying for two internet providers, 1&1 and Vodafone. I went to my nearby Vodafone shop and they told me they can't do anything because I didn't sign the contract there and told me to call a hotline. I called a hotline and it was automated. I sent a letter to Vodafone Germany about it, in English, since my German isn't great, and they directed me here.
My old mobile provider contract stayed unchanged and all I got was a new Vodafone sim card with a new number, so I'm paying for two mobile providers too.
I returned the TV equipment I got but the website doesn't seem to have registered it and it seems like my TV contract is still not cancelled.
I wouldn't mind any of this since I probably missed or misunderstood something important, being a foreigner and all, but I'm not made of money and everything is getting more expensive every day. Any help would be appreciated.
am 15.07.2022 09:13
Hello Tmendes,
first of all, welcome to our community. Nice that you are here.
I want to make sure I understand everything correctly: So you have two internet and mobile contracts, right? One with us and one with your previous provider.
Did you fill out an application for number portability and/or cancellation?
Please tell me first in which state you live.
Best regards
am 15.07.2022 17:22
That is correct. I didn't fill out anything, your salesman entered all the information into his tablet (including my mobile number) and told me that Vodafone would take care of the rest.
The state I live in is Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
am 16.07.2022 10:27
Okay. For a closer look send me the following informations in a private message:
full name
date of birth
customer number
Write a short reply here afterwards.
Best regards
am 19.07.2022 15:20
the asked for information has been sent
am 20.07.2022 12:12
Your Internet connection has been active since September 2021. Unfortunately, the applications for number portability were not successful. This is required for the switch guarantee. The last order was rejected by your previous provider because the data provided could not be assigned to any contract. The credit for the switch can now no longer be granted. Sorry.
Best regards
am 20.07.2022 18:02
So I'm supposed to just keep paying for two internet and mobile providers?
am 22.07.2022 09:11
Hello Tmendes,
it is best to ask your previous provider who is listed there as the line holder. Without a correctly completed form, the number will not be transferred to us and no switching credit can be credited.
Best regards