24.10.2022 20:03 - bearbeitet 24.10.2022 20:05
Dear Vodafone support,
I ordered new "tarif" and a new router with it. I am suppose to return the old one to you. I have the old return label I received with the old box. The problem is that it is 8 years old and it has the old "kundennummer" and my old home address.
Is it fine if I use it and place my current information in the box with the router?
Looking forward to your reply.
am 25.10.2022 01:54
2 avoid complications like "we didn't receive your router, so u'll have 2 pay 4 it":
don't do so !!
also the address of the logistics may have changed meanwhile....
so try 2 get a new label in the "formular-center" on or from the support.
try "retoure & widerruf" at the bottom of this page
am 25.10.2022 10:18
Thanks! I found the DHL label creator. Have a great week!