am 24.01.2022 11:32
I applied for a cable connection after checking online if it is possible. Online it says at my address, cable connection is possible hence I applied for it in advance so that I have the internet at a scheduled time. The technician after checking some stuff said there is no cable connection possible and need to cancel the contract. I agreed and applied for DSL, the new DSL connection takes about 3 weeks and I don't have any internet connection at my home. How does that work? when officially online clearly says cable is possible but in actual technician refuses the possibility and what are my options when I don't have any internet which is not my fault?
am 26.01.2022 07:36
Hi navalctm,
in principle, cable will be available. In certain cases, we will only know what this looks like on site once a technician has been on site. Unfortunately, we can't change that either and can't do more than cancel the contract.