Address change.

Hello, i will be moving from mu current apartment on the 1st of April 2023. The Vodafone Store agents in Bad windsheim located in Hartmann expert have told me that they cannot help me with this issue and i need to call your lines for help but when i do there is nobody able to communicate with me in english and the conversation cuts short, I haven't had this problem with communication when i've purchased and signed contracts with the company but now it seems that there is a sudden language barrier. 

If it would be possible to be contacted by anyone that can speak english, i am available all week from 15:00 to 21:00. 

1 Antwort 1

You will have to formally notify VF of your move. VF will then check if your contract is available at the new location, if yes, your contract will move with you, if not the contract will get cancelled. There is a website within the customer area to do that, it is in German, though, as German is the contractual language:


Use that if you have someone being able to help you with the language problem. If that is not possible, try the social media channels, where you have a good chance to get support in English:

This forum here since August 2022 sadly is only a customer-to-customer forum, no individual support is possible here.